The 13-Year Conservatorship Of Britney Spears Has Come To An End


The conservatorship of the Grammy-Award winner has been ended, effective today, after nearly 14 years.

Judge Brenda Penny dissolved the official agreement at a hearing on Friday afternoon, enabling the pop star’s earlier request to end it without additional mental assessments to be granted.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“The conservatorship of the person and estate of Britney Jean Spears is no longer required,” she said as per the New York Times.

Britney instantly took to Instagram to commemorate the moment, expressing her delight by writing, “Good God I love my fans so much it’s crazy 🥺❤️ !!! I think I’m gonna cry the rest of the day !!!! Best day ever … praise the Lord … can I get an Amen 🙏🏼☀️🙌🏼 ???? #FreedBritney”.

After the hearing, which lasted less than 30 minutes, Britney’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, talked to media and hundreds of #FreeBritney supporters, saying: “What’s next for Britney, and this is the first time this could be said for about a decade, is up to one person: Britney.”

“We have a safety net in place for Britney, both on the personal side and on the financial side,” he continued. “But Britney as of today is a free woman and she’s an independent woman and the rest, with her support system, will be up to Britney.”

Rosengart also wanted the estate conservatorship to be utilized only for the purpose of completing the necessary paperwork so that the conservatorship’s assets could be transferred to a trust overseen by Britney.

He wants a comprehensive accounting from everyone involved in the conservatorship, including Jamie Spears and Lou Taylor, to determine how much money has been moved from the conservatorship to their personal accounts.

He likewise added that Britney has the last say on whether or not to pursue Jamie and Lou Taylor.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Spears begged with the judge to stop the conservatorship, which she described as “abusive,” and said she had been compelled to perform, use birth control, and take medicine against her will throughout the years.

During a hearing in June, she stated, “I just want my life back; it’s been 13 years and it’s enough.”

The artist’s victory in court follows a protracted legal battle with her father, Jamie Spears, who was recently removed as her conservator. Jamie petitioned the court for custody of her life and property in 2008, claiming her public mental health difficulties and alleged substance abuse. The temporary guardianship had been made permanent before the end of the year.

Reactions to The 13-Year Conservatorship Of Britney Spears Has Come To An End

It’s time to fucking celebrate 🎉 #FreeBritney

Britney Spears has been freed before her 40th birthday She can celebrate however she wants and NO ONE can MAKE her work on her birthday this time #FreeBritney #FreedBritney #BritneyIsFree


Let’s all say thank you to Matthew Rosengart, for his hard work in such a short time!!! He did a great job fighting Britney’s best interests and we owe him that. #FreeBritney

Vivian, theres always a first time for everything #FreeBritney


I wanna thank all of you who sacrificed their time and money in the last 3 years to either go to the court house, buy and explain documents or advocate on social media... each and everyone of you is the reason why we are here today. #FreeBritney ❤️

For 13 years, Britney has had zero control over her life. Tomorrow will be her first day in a looooong time as a free woman! Whatever she decides to do with her life WE will support her! We love u, Britney #FreeBritney

SHE’S FINALLY FREE! After nearly 14 years, Britney Spears’ conservatorship has officially been terminated. She now has the complete freedom to make her financial, medical and personal decisions on her own for the first time since 2008. #FreeBritney

After 5055 days, Britney Jean Spears has been granted freedom from her conservatorship. For the first time in 13 years Britney will get to life her life as she sees fit. #FreeBritney