“Diva” Cat Who Distracted Opera Singer Owner Becomes Internet Favorite


The now-viral video of a cat that started vocalizing along with his opera singer owner pleased social media users.

Invariably, pets provide their owner’s happiness without them even recognizing it. For instance, the amusingly strange behavior they show can already bring joy to their owner.
At the beginning of the video, the girl is singing an opera piece. A short while later, the cat, Maximo, hops onto what looks to be a table in front of the girl and finally appears on the screen.

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Then the girl pauses from singing and attempts to get rid of the cat. However, the cat appears to resume singing where she left off, and afterward, the girl initially displays a shocked expression before starting to chuckle.

According to the girl on the video, Maximino is a noisy cat that regularly “screams” at her to seek attention. The singing prowess of the cat won over Reddit users.

It was first published on TikTok, gaining millions of views, and then circulated on various social media sites, including Reddit. On Reddit, the video already has 27,000 upvotes and hundreds of comments from different users.

One user wrote, “Cats so focused on the opera her eyes are seeing into the future.”

A user wrote, “It’s a bug. My cat does the same thing when he sees a bug,” to which another user replied, “It could also be a bug or a shiny thing on the wall or nearly anything else. Cats are weird.”

“What a little Diva! “Outta my way! I’m the real Opera Singer!” another user wrote.

Reactions to “Diva” Cat Who Distracted Opera Singer Owner becomes Internet Favorite

Looks like he was all about catching the mouse pointer, lol.

Lmao I love her face when the cat first jumped into the frame.

The cat is hilarious, but the woman laughed in Opera 🤣😳

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