The New York Banner has Acquired

Telegram was a site that featured exclusive interviews with celebrities, fashion icons, architects and more.

We acquired it because it helps us offer more topics that our readers enjoy!

Of course, we covered celebrity news, but now we are able to expand our coverage into other related topics, such as celebrity exclusives, film, TV, lifestyle, fashion and romances.

Celebrity News

Our readers love to read juicy celebrity gossip, including break-ups, cheating, firings and other drama. From Kim Kardashian to Britney Spears and everyone in between, including the Royals.

Net Worth of Actors and Actresses

People are always curious to find out how rich that actor really is. We hear about actors receiving big pay days for their roles in movies, but it’s very easy to lost track of what that all adds up to. The huge wealth is typically unfathomable for most people. That’s why it is so interesting to read how wealthy these actors are.

TV Show Recaps

If you miss an episode of a TV show, you’ll be lost when you watch the following episode. It’s even more true if you miss an entire season. TV show recaps & summaries are available for single episodes and entire seasons, so you’ll never be confused about what’s going on. Quickly and easily find out what drama happened between characters on last week’s episode.

Real Housewives’ Net Worth

One of the wildest reality shows is the Real Housewives franchise. The stars of the show are incredibly wealthy, and most of them became that way before they became stars. It’s fascinating to find out the net worth of the Real Housewives stars. The differences in wealth from one show to another is also incredible. Compare the Real Housewives of Orange County to the Real Housewives of Potomac and you’ll see what we mean!


One of the most fun parts of celebrity news is the fashion. From red carpet outfits, to new product lines, or profiles of iconic designers, fashion news in exciting. Fashion inspires people to be better versions of themselves, and to feel good when a celebrity’s outfit doesn’t make the cut.

Robin Resurgent

This particular article about the resurgence of Robin Thicke was extremely popular. Thicke provided an exclusive interview to discuss his inspirations to become a singer. The article also covers his life growing up with a celebrity father in Canada.

The Original

Kate Beckinsale’s original article has been archived and rewritten for new readers. It includes updates to her love life and acting career. The original article talked about her rise to fame and previous roles she had before making it big.

Prestige Hong Kong Magazine

The magazine Prestige Hong Kong Magazine is provided by Prestige and rolled into Prestige Online. All articles for the different countries and regions can be read in one location.

Kate Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale is a famous actress because of her role in Underworld and all of the sequels, as the main character fighting werewolves and fellow vampires.

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