Best Books To Teach Older Siblings About Babies

Best Books To Teach Older Siblings About Babies
Best Books To Teach Older Siblings About Babies

Children are the type of people who have a great deal of curiosity about the world, especially when it comes to the age-old question of where babies come from. Children are inherently fascinated by the world and desire to learn more about it, which is why this is the case. Furthermore, a child asking inquiries of this nature is common, especially given that their cognitive abilities are still developing.

Such questions arise more when they have or expect a new sibling to come out anytime soon. It also makes them excited and anxious at the same time about what to do, what to expect, or how their life will change once their new sibling is finally there. Trying to teach a subject to young children in a way they can grasp can be very challenging. In order to avoid making children feel uncomfortable, it is crucial that we, as parents, respond to these queries in a comfortable manner.

Good thing there are books to properly explain and answer their questions without parents being uncomfortable since such books are written in a way children can easily understand. The books listed below will also give them an idea of what to do as a soon-to-be older sibling and prepare them for the new stage of their life.

1) The Baby Tree by Sophie Blackall

The Baby Tree by Sophie Blackall

The Sophie Blackall book “The Baby Tree” is an excellent choice for those young children curious about where babies originate from because it tells the narrative of a boy who asks many adults where babies come from.

For slightly older children who have more questions or differing understandings, it can be used as a tool to build on the answers. This cute, amusing, and educational book is suggested for children who are pondering the age-old subject of where babies come from.

2) I'm a Big Sister / I'm a Big Brother written by Joanna Cole, illustrated by Rosalind Kitely

The “I’m a Big Sister” and “I’m a Big Brother” books were written by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Rosalind Kitely. It offers a kind, comforting look at sibling relationships through the viewpoint of a new elder sister or brother.

This short book lists all the benefits of being an older sibling and reassures them of their specialness while also outlining the needs of younger siblings who require more support, love, and sweetness. Reading this will help your older babies get ready for their first fresh stage of life.

3) Big Brothers Are the Best / Big Sisters Are the Best by Fran Manushkin, illustrated by Kirsten Richards

The book “Big Brothers Are the Best” and “Big Sisters Are the Best,” written by Fran Manushkin and illustrated by Kirsten Richards, is ideal for introducing a toddler into siblinghood. It details all the things a big brother or sister can do that a newborn cannot.

The book also highlights the positive aspects of being a big sibling and helps them recognize a newborn’s characteristics or warning signs. For instance, if their new sibling is crying, it can be due to hunger or the need for a diaper change.

4) The New Baby written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer

The New Baby written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer

A soon-to-be older sibling will benefit significantly from reading “The New Baby,” a book written and drawn by Mercer Mayer. Not only that, but even parents can relate to the story being told in this. It helps older sibling get their head around how to handle a newborn and what to do. The stories are hilarious, have a great message, and are beautifully illustrated.

5) What to Expect When Mommy's Having a Baby by Heidi Murkoff, illustrated by Laura Rader

To answer your child’s questions about how a baby is created, how it grows, and how it joins the family, give them the book “What to Expect When Mommy’s Having a Baby” by Heidi Murkoff, with illustrations by Laura Rader.

Additionally, it alleviates any additional worries that the soon-to-be older sibling might have, reassuring them that it’s normal for pregnant women to be sick and providing instructions on how to help the mother.

6) Ready, Set . . . Baby! by Elizabeth Rusch, illustrated by Qin Leng

Ready, Set . . . Baby! by Elizabeth Rusch, illustrated by Qin Leng

“Ready, Set, Baby!” by Elizabeth Rusch and illustrated by Qin Leng is a children’s book that teaches young readers more about things to anticipate when a new baby is on the way.

It gives a lighthearted, adoring, and consoling look at what it’s like to be a big sibling or brother, as well as helpful advice and even pointers to remember for parents to support their soon-to-be older child when the new baby is born.

7) There's Going to Be a Baby by John Burningham

There's Going to Be a Baby by John Burningham

The children’s book “There’s Going to Be a Baby,” written by John Burningham and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, covers the flood of thoughts a young child experiences as they anticipate the birth of a baby sibling. It also provides speculative futures for the unknowing new family member that a prospective older sibling might imagine.

8) Waiting for Baby by Harriet Ziefert

Waiting for Baby by Harriett Ziefert

A wonderful tale about the excitement of a new arrival can be read in Harriet Zeifert’s book “Waiting for Baby.” Your older child will be taken inside the character’s mind as they try different ways to pass the time because they are tired of waiting. They can also relate with the protagonist and understand his intense anticipation of the birth of his sibling.

9) Baby on the Way by William Sears, M.D.; Martha Sears, R.N.; and Christie Watts Kelly

The children’s book “Baby on the Way” by William Sears, M.D., Martha Sears, R.N., and Christie Watts Kelly addresses questions from children about what to do, what will happen when they become older siblings, and other topics while describing both lives before and after their sibling is born.

It is also a fantastic approach to make sure that children fully comprehend everything about their new baby brother or sister. Along with offering advice to parents and soon-to-be older siblings, the book also recounts the new child’s birth.

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