What Changes To Expect When Your Baby Becomes A Toddler?


Being a parent is the most exciting thing in the world. Even though having a newborn can be tremendously joyful, it can also be incredibly stressful. Your baby will soon turn into a toddler, and there will likely be many changes that may occur.

Your child’s developmental milestones, such as the introduction of solid foods and their mood changes, are among those changes, though you might not be aware of them. Here we have listed the changes you should expect and prepare for them once your baby becomes a toddler.

1) Your child will develop greater independence

Your child will develop greater independence

Your child will become more independent as they grow older. You could notice that your child is more at ease in their own skin as they start to create their own individuality. They will be able to take care of themselves as well. They will be able to do things like feed themselves and bathe themselves without adult supervision, as opposed to when they were babies and needed a baby bathtub since parents were afraid they might slip.

When they are toddlers, things become easier for you to do because you don’t have to watch out for them as much. However, this does not mean that you should let them do things on their own. Even if they are capable of doing other things on their own, they still want your supervision and support since the things they pick up or adapt to will be things they will carry with them as they get older.

2) There will be changes in their mood

You should anticipate seeing changes in your baby’s mood and behavior as they get older and become a toddler. You should be prepared for these changes and be ready for them. As your child gets older, their emotions will start to change more frequently. They may be joyful and playful on certain days while seeming unhappy or agitated on other days.

Additionally, you could find that your baby is becoming less fussy and more eager to play with toys and other kids. They may start to distance themselves from their parents since they will want to do things on their own. Moreover, they’ll be able to sit up by themselves without tripping or stumbling around the house. You must be vigilant and exercise more patience because this is typical and essential for their development.

3) Your child will now use words to communicate

Your child will now use words to communicate

When your baby is a toddler, they will be expressing themselves to you more through gestures and beginning to use words, even though their speech may still be pretty simple. Still, this is a significant development for them because they can now communicate with you about the foods or toys they like or if something hurts them. This may be to identify the specific body part that hurts since it can be challenging for parents to determine whether their babies are in pain, which can be alarming most of the time and result in emergencies.

Additionally, if they start to become irritable, this may become crucial. Since it will be challenging to win their favor most of the time, the conversation will help you learn what they want or how to calm them down.

4) They will grow more and more interested in their surroundings and explore it

You’ll find that your baby will become more aware of their surroundings as they grow older. It will undoubtedly make them more needy for attention, cause them to start wondering what’s going on around them and maybe even explore it. Your involvement as a parent at this stage of their development will be crucial because learning and exploring new things both require adult supervision since there are things that is too early for them to know about.

Being naturally curious, children will ask questions about anything, and you must respond to them in a way that they will comprehend as children. With this one, it’s also crucial to exercise patience and be mindful of your words and actions because they might inquire about anything, not only the surroundings. If you curse, they will ask about its meaning and, worse, adapt it, and we don’t want it to happen. As a parent, you will play a huge responsibility in this one.

5) Changes in their eating patterns will happen

Changes in their eating patterns will happen

As your baby becomes a toddler, the foods they like will change. They might no longer want to eat baby food that has been pureed and instead favor finger meals like bread or crackers. Since the toddler stage is all about trying new things, it’s okay if they desire real food. While some toddlers like eating everything on their plate, others become choosy as they develop, so patience is something you also need on this one. In addition, they will begin to have more extended periods of time between meals.

Additionally, they could start to show an interest in using utensils, which would make mealtimes easier for you both. Despite the mess, they will learn from it and even improve their skills. Aside from wanting to play with food, your toddler may start to prefer more drinks or a snack after finishing their main meal. They might want to try juice, which you can offer them a sip of but not allow them to drink the entire glass of.

6) As your baby grows older, their bedtime will change

As your baby grows older, their bedtime will change

Aside from their eating habits, your baby’s bedtime will also change as they grow into toddlers. They might need fewer daytime naps and be more alert at night. They will sleep for less hours every night, and as they get older, they will be able to stay up later with you. Reading stories to your toddler before bed can help them relax and quiet down more quickly because they have longer attention spans than babies.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on them as they sleep so you can determine whether or not they are still awake. Even if there are adjustments to their bedtime, it’s still necessary for them to have enough sleep as it will produce modifications to their health and growth.

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