Woman Spent Three Days In The Hospital After Dog Pooped On Her Face As She Slept


A British woman’s daughter’s dog defecated in her mouth while sleeping, which caused her to spend three days in the hospital.

Well, unexpected things happen. The woman in this viral news not only had the unfortunate incident of getting feces on her face but also had to spend three days in the hospital.

According to the woman named Amanda Gommo, age 51, she was taking an afternoon nap when their dog chihuahua, belle, was unwell and started having acute diarrhea.

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Belle was taken to the veterinarian by Gommo’s daughter, who discovered that the dog had a bad stomach bug.

“I was having my afternoon nap with Belle, like I always do, when I suddenly felt something squirt in my mouth,” Gommo revealed to South West News Service.

She continued: “It was disgusting, and I was hurling violently for hours after. I just couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth.” However, later that day, Gommo noticed that she was starting to experience some of the same symptoms as the ill dog.

Thus, she immediately went to the doctor. The woman was given three pills by paramedics for her stomach cramps, and they also advised her to drink plenty of water to clear out any potential infections.

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But over the following 48 hours, her symptoms worsened, and the aches gradually spread to every part of her body. Then she called for help and was immediately taken to a nearby hospital.

There, she was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal infection that had entered her mouth two days earlier through Belle’s poo. Gommo said she was confined in the hospital for three days until they’d drained the infection out with a drip.

Her discharge letter said that a dog had feces in her mouth, which was unusual in the history of medicine, leading to a stomach infection. The mother later left the hospital and is now “on the mend,” according to her.

However, Belle, the dog, may not be allowed to lie in Gommo’s bed any time soon, even though she has recovered from her stomach bug.

She said that she forgave Belle for the little accident and still loved her all her heart. She also stated: “But I will definitely be more mindful of what position we sleep in in the future!”

Reactions to Woman Spent Three Days In The Hospital After Dog Pooped On Her Face As She Slept

Something about this story stinks 🤔

this is disgusting

whole house was just sick. why did she take a picture??? 😭😭😭

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