How Did Hugh Jackman Lose Weight?


What was Hugh Jackman's weight loss method while filming "The Wolverine?"

Hugh Jackman, an Australian actor, earned recognition for his portrayal of James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine in the 2000–2017 “X-Men” film series. But apart from portraying his popular character, Hugh has become more famous thanks to his 12-pack abs and fit body. So, what’s his secret?

Hugh was 190 pounds and 6 feet 2 inches tall while filming The Wolverine in 2013. He attributes his lean physique to workouts and intermittent fasting, though he noted that the latter had the most significant impact on his toned body. His intermittent fasting plan is now known as the Wolverine Diet.”

The actor claims he didn’t know how to eat or train while filming his first “X-Men” movie in 2000. Hugh credits his muscular physique in 2013’s blockbuster film, “The Wolverine,” to intermittent fasting, which he began doing more than ten years ago.

In the five months leading up to the production of “The Wolverine,” Hugh adhered to a rigorous workout schedule that included six days of exercise per week and a diet recommended by his trainer. The plan aimed to aid the actor in maintaining his lean physique while gaining muscle strength and size.

Hugh Jackman's Weight Loss Tricks

The main keys to Hugh’s successful weight loss:

  • He had a specific diet called the “Wolverine diet,” which helped him build more muscle for his role in The Wolverine
  • He followed intermittent fasting
  • He did rigorous workout routines, which includes bench presses, back squats, weighted pullups, and deadlifts
  • He used carb cycling
  • He has a high-calorie diet

What is the "Wolverine" diet plan?

For the “Wolverine” diet plan, Hugh used the 16:8 diet method for his intermittent fasting. The entire eight-hour calorie intake will be followed by a sixteen-hour fast. Because he had a 10 AM to 6 PM eating window, he would be sleeping for most of the period, which reduced appetite and facilitated easier fasting.

He used carb cycling during every phase of his workouts. He had high carbohydrate foods on days when he worked out with weights and low carbohydrate foods on days when he slept. Even though the diet has no specific restrictions, Hugh reportedly mainly ate “clean” foods while working out.

The actor is said to have consumed more than 4,000 calories daily while exercising. His insulin was kept under control by consuming fewer carbohydrates on days when he didn’t exercise. Due to the increased sensitivity of the muscles to insulin during intermittent fasting, it is crucial to remember this.

The actor acknowledges that those with active social lives or those who typically eat dinner later in the evenings would find it difficult to follow his fasting window. Every day, he ate his last meal by 7 PM. He didn’t limit his calorie intake during the eight-hour eating window.

What meal plan did Hugh Jackman follow?

Hugh’s high-calorie diet included a lot of lean meats, which were a good source of protein, according to his close friend and actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He ate four to five meals per day to meet his calorie requirements. He usually had a 20-30-50 percent calorie breakdown of carbs, fat, and protein, respectively.

An example meal plan would include a high-protein breakfast, extra protein and carbohydrates derived from vegetables for lunch and dinner, and healthy fats for snacks all day. Because of the high-calorie needs, the chicken was abundant on his meal plan.

Hugh occasionally substituted protein shakes for the chicken out of convenience or variety. According to his dietician, the actor did not take supplements other than protein shakes. His nutrients came entirely from whole-food, healthy meals.

The following are some examples of meals you could have when following the Wolverine diet:

  • Chicken with spinach and brown rice
  • Steak with broccoli and sweet potatoes
  • Eggs and oats

What routines are included in Hugh Jackman's "Wolverine" workout plan?

Hugh’s intermittent fasting regimen had a significant positive impact on his workouts. Exercise in a fasting condition may burn less glycogen, requiring the body to burn more fat instead. According to studies, healthy men who work out while hungry also burn more fat all day long.

Additionally, consuming food after exercise rather than before may encourage an anabolic response. This is particularly true if the meal comes after a vigorous resistance-training session, which is precisely how Hugh worked out.

The actor’s trainer created a functional exercise regimen for the “Wolverine” to encourage muscular growth or hypertrophy. Hugh worked out with free weights primarily until he was exhausted, which meant he did a lot of repetitions of low- to medium-intensity exercises.

The “Wolverine” program increases the weight by 5–10% per repetition throughout four-week training blocks. The main workouts in the “Wolverine” program include bench presses, back squats, weighted pullups, and deadlifts.

A percentage of your working one-rep maximum or 95% of your maximum effort are used to compute the number of reps in each set. For instance, if you are able to deadlift 500 pounds, your working maximum would be 475 pounds, and you would use 285 pounds for a set that required 60 percent of your capacity.

What was the outcome of Hugh Jackman's "Wolverine" program?

Hugh started the “Wolverine” diet when he was 44 years old, and within a year, he had gone from weighing 170 pounds to a fit 190 pounds of muscle. The approach appears feasible when considering that the average adult requires only 1,500-2,500 calories per day and may exercise for one hour, rather than three, multiple times each week.

Hugh’s physique is something to be admired and might serve as motivation for some, but it’s crucial to remember that reality differs from the world of movies. In fact, he would go on a dehydration regiment before filming the shirtless scenes for “The Wolverine” to make his muscles appear more chiseled.

Still, the “Wolverine” diet and workout program have take-home advantages. Hugh emphasizes the benefits of increased physical health—not only the way you appear but also how you feel—telling Men’s Journal, “I sleep so much better.”

Other benefits the “Wolverine” program offers include:

  • Exercise and a healthy diet are combined in the regimen.
  • Insulin resistance may be decreased by intermittent fasting.
  • It does not necessitate a rigorous calorie restriction, in contrast to many celebrity diets.
  • The program can easily be changed and personalized.
  • It’s quite intense and could provide positive outcomes.

Those already physically active are the greatest candidates for the “Wolverine” training program. It’s a good idea to first speak with your doctor if you have any health issues that might prevent you from engaging in heavy weight training.