AG's husband is in "full vasectomy mode" and "shooting blanks."
Ashley Graham has revealed that her husband, Justin Ervin, underwent a vasectomy to eliminate the possibility of having additional children in the future. The 35-year-old supermodel and her 32-year-old husband have three children: Isaac, 3, and twins Malachi and Roman, 1.

She admits on the “Milk Drunk” podcast, founded by Bobbie, that her husband Justin had a vasectomy following the birth of their twins. “We’re in full vasectomy mode. He’s shooting blanks now. I don’t have to be on a pill, thank God.” She even joked that she might need to conceive another child to continue to pretend she had three children under the age of three. In January, her oldest son turned three.
“It’s so easy for [men], it really is. It’s like the easiest thing,” she argued. The model subsequently said her husband wasn’t “laid up in bed” at all. He “iced it,” she remarked; however, he went shopping with her shortly following the outpatient operation.
“Isaac was always such a joy, but it was also that constant confusion of ‘Am I doing this right? What am I supposed to be doing? But I know that I know best because I’m his mom’ and, ‘This is so much fun. Of course, I want to do this again. And thank God I can.'”

She stated that she did not care about getting back in shape for a few months after giving birth because she was so preoccupied with her children. “I was just kind of in this mode of ‘I just have kids to take care of. I don’t have myself to take care of.'”
But she is attempting to remember to care for herself then, saying, “Because if I’m not fed, and I don’t have a sleep, and I don’t feel fulfilled in my work, I can’t be the mom, you need me to be.
Earlier this year, she addressed this similar thing during her interview with “The Daily Show,” saying, “There’s also this whole thing with people telling you how to feed your child. With my first kid, I was like, ‘I could only breastfeed. This is the right way.'” She later added, “I had the twins, and I was like, ‘I’m not doing this. This is not working here. Like, both of you want both of these? This is a lot of work.'”
Despite the circumstances, Graham overcame everything by keeping a positive attitude, which she continues to do as a mother and in other aspects of her life.