Paris Hilton Happy To Hear That Britney Spears Is Slowly Being Free

“Sending so much love! #FreeBritney”

Paris Hilton salutes Britney Spears on Twitter in the wake of hearing the news that her father, Jamie Spears, says that he will venture down from conservatorship.

“I’m so happy to hear this news,” the socialite, composed and added, “It’s been so long overdue but I’m so glad that Britney is on her way to finally being free.”

Paris talked about how much she valued her friendship with Britney over the decades in an interview she had with Andy Cohen on SiriusXm’s Andy Cohen Live.

“I saw her this summer. We’ve had dinners, I saw her in Malibu. I just love her so much,” said Hilton, adding that the pair got together with a cozy gathering of companions.

“She is so sweet and so innocent and such a nice girl. We just talk about happy things. Music, fashion… fun things. I never like to bring up negative things and make people feel uncomfortable, so I’ve never talked about it with her,” the heiress said regarding about the conservatorship.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“I feel like if you are an adult, you should be able to live your life and not be controlled. I think that maybe stems from me being controlled so much so I can understand how that would feel and I can’t imagine right now if that was still happening to me” clarified Hilton about Britney’s condition with her dad, Jamie.

“After just working your whole life and working so hard, she’s this icon and I just feel like she has no control of her life whatsoever and I just don’t think that’s fair.”

Since we realize Britney is gradually turning out to be free to her dad’s grip, we can’t resist the urge to truly celebrate alongside Hilton, this successful advance.

Reactions to Paris Hilton Being Happy to Britney

A twitter user replied to Hilton’s tweet that it should be about time to invite Britney on her Cooking Show which she retweeted.

about time, we need her on your cooking show… I mean there is no more iconic duo ✨ #FreeBritney 💗

Guess everyone is waiting for it to really happen. Are we going to see Paris and Britney together soon? Let us hope.

Cooking with Paris Season 2 ft Britney Spears? 👀

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