Amber Rose recently posted a bunch of Instagram stories getting down on her sweetheart Alexander for purportedly cheating with 12 ladies.
Alexander didn’t deny the claims and said during his appearance on Instagram Live with Dj Big Von, “I woke up to this s**t, man… I thought, ‘S**t, I got caught.’ I got caught before, you know what I’m saying? And she’s just had enough, obviously.”
“I love her, though. That’s, like, my best friend, the mother of my son. I love [Sebastian], my stepson and s**t, too,” he added.

“At the end I don’t think anybody can be happy or successful if you’re not truly yourself, whether other people understand it or blame you…” he proceeded. “It’s just who I am, and it’s not how she wants to be loved.”
Amber messaged him saying she’d take him back in the event that he’ll apologized publicly and all this s**t. “She love me but I don’t want to keep doing that to her.”
“I know that I could stop. I could give her a good, solid six months and just really like, deprive myself of my true nature for as long as I can take it but I don’t want to live like that.”
Amber opened up about her relationship with Alexander in January 2019, composing on her Instagram that he came into her life at a time where she’d had enough of the narcissistic, cheating and abuse she’d endured over the years from my previous relationships.
Reactions to Alexander Edwards Admits Cheating on Amber Rose
What a heartless bastard...if you didn't want her anymore the least you could do was walk the f***k away and not disrespect the woman who is the mother of your owed her that much.
What a heartless bastard…if you didn't want her anymore the least you could do was walk the f***k away and not disrespect the woman who is the mother of your child…you owed her that much.
— melissa malcolm (@melissamalcolm7) August 19, 2021
Doesn’t Amber Rose have her 2nd BD’s name tattooed on her forehead? They broke up….that cover up gonna be crazy😩
Doesn’t Amber Rose have her 2nd BD’s name tattooed on her forehead? They broke up….that cover up gonna be crazy😩
— BunnyRabbit🐰 (@JessCaptureMe) August 18, 2021
"It's just who I am and it's not how she wants to be loved." ...Yo this guy is top tier toxic
"It's just who I am and it's not how she wants to be loved." …Yo this guy is top tier toxic
— angie (@_angiepants5) August 20, 2021
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