Bin Laden Bets Biden to ‘Lead US into Crisis’ in a 2010 Letter


Bin Laden Bets Biden to ‘Lead US into Crisis’ in a 2010 Letter

Osama bin Laden must have known that current US President Joe Biden would bring disaster to his country.

A letter of bin Laden dated May 2010 has resurfaced on the Internet, pointing to his prediction of Biden’s end-game during his term as President. The letter was found among the 175 pages of documents collected from the al-Qaeda leader’s hideout in Pakistan written between 2006 and 2011, published by the Combating Terrorism Center at the US Military Academy.

It was an instruction to assassinate Barack Obama and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), David Petraeus, by targeting the aircraft they had taken aboard, either in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

Bin Laden, however, ordered his members not to target Joe Biden, who was then the Vice-President. “The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity, and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there,” bin Laden wrote.

Bin Laden thought that: “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.”

Despite Obama and Petraeus’ safe return, what bin Laden predicted has come to pass. The United States is mired in a crisis after Biden became President and ended the decades-long protection of Afghanistan.

At some point, Osama bin Laden may be enjoying the current situation between Afghanistan and the US.

Reactions to bin Laden's Prediction about Biden Leading the US into a Crisis

Well, everyone seems to agree with Laden.

Now it makes sense.

Well, Bin Laden was right. Biden is incompetent and he’ll plunge our country into chaos, possibly surrender!

He knew Biden really well.

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