Violent Offenders to Receive $1,000 Monthly Stipend Under de Blasio’s Program


Paying criminals to stop committing crimes sounds like a good plan, de Blasio believed.

Following the George Floyd protests, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio disbanded the NYPD’s anti-crime unit in July 2020, increasing reported murders and shootings. As a response, de Blasio plans to pay violent offenders a monthly grant of $1,000 from government funds.

According to The Trace, the city will allocate a $1 million budget to a program called “Advance Peace,” for which de Blasio envisioned a solution to transform the youth — behave well and receive cash as a reward.

In an interview with Fox Business, U.S. Representative Nicole Malliotakis speaks out against de Blasio’s plan that she referred to as an “absolute joke.” The politician couldn’t help but to sarcastically comment on de Blasio’s idea, saying: “They say crime doesn’t pay, but apparently in New York City, it does.”

On the other hand, K. Bain, an executive director of a violence prevention group called Community Capacity Development in Queens, told reporters, “This is what we do, getting resources directly into the hands of those most impacted and affected by violence.

Tracing back from 11 years ago, Advance Peace was initially a program from Richmond, California, and adapted by Sacramento, where it produced the best outcome. A 20% below-average reduction in gun-related crimes in the past four years is perhaps the reason that urged de Blasio to try the program in NYC. However, the teens involved in gun crimes will pair up with ex-convicts who will be their administering “mentors” earns the mayor more negative feedbacks.

New Yorkers think that this plan of de Blasio is “insane” — putting him in a hot seat. Will he be able to implement his plan of monthly distribution of cash grants to criminals? What will be the future of NYC after this mess?

Reactions to de Blasio's Plan to Distribute Monthly Cash Grants to Criminals

A citizen mocked the plan of de Blasio and called him the “worst mayor ever.”

I thought this was a joke, are you kidding me ? Can this mayor go any lower ? Wow, 20 years of work and all the people we lost enforcing the law and this is his best solution ? DeBlasio should just resign and go away, Worst mayor EVER……

This Twitter user demands de Blasio to resign from his post.

He needs to go too!

Someone expressed disapproval over the idea of the mayor, saying that it is “disgusting.”


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