In Canada, It’s a Human’s Rights Offense to Use the “Wrong Pronouns”

They (a single non-binary person, not plural people) won $30k in their (a single non-binary person’s, not plural people’s) case against the restaurant A Canadian tribunal has awarded a transgender, non-binary server $30,000 and ruled refusal to use someone’s preferred pronouns as a human rights offence, during the settlement of an employment dispute. The former […]

Black Woman Leaves Threatening Notes in Mailboxes Posing as White KKK Member

Black Woman Leaves Threatening Notes in Mailboxes Posing as White KKK Member

Residents in Brookmont, Georgia received threats of having their homes burned down with them inside. The notes were allegedly from a white KKK member, but were actually from a female, black neighbor. The motive is not yet known, but it adds to racial tensions and wasted police resources. Teresha Lucas, 30, of Douglasville has been […]

Trump and Pence Talked After Capitol Riot

After the election and Jan. 6 protest, it looked like the relationship between Trump & Pence was ruined. Former Vice President Pence was the perfect VP for Trump. Trump was brash, while Pence was level-headed and composed. During the 2016 campaign and for much of the four-year term, Pence was a great ally to President […]

King of Jordan Has a $100m Real Estate Empire – Pandora Papers Reveal

In a country where about 1 of 4 are unemployed, the king has secretly amassed a huge wealth. King Abdullah II took the helm in 1999 following the passing of his father. He hasn’t shied away from flaunting his wealth in public, but he has managed to keep the extent of his wealth secret until […]

Gavin Forces COVID Vaccine to Kids

The State of California is set to require COVID-19 vaccination for K-12 students. Students older than 12-years-old will not be allowed to attend school unless vaccinated. Is this not a form of tyranny by a Democrat? It is essentially taking away the role of the parents to decide for the welfare of their children. This […]

Socialist Venezuela Reaps Extreme Poverty

76.6 percent of Venezuela’s 28 million residents are now suffering in extreme poverty. America, is this really the way to go? Venezuela is terribly suffering from an economic collapse that led to hyperinflation and shortage of basic necessities brought greatly by years of massive spending on social programs in building a “welfare state”. No one […]

Joe’s Math: $3.5 Trillion Equals Zero

Biden claims that his “Build Back Better” plan with a price tag of three and a half trillion dollars costs nothing. Is he still asleep when he tweeted that? Economists, analysts, and even fifth graders are scratching their heads on how he has arrived with that crazy calculation. Like how honestly one can believe to […]

Morgan Freeman’s Top 10 Highest Grossing Movies

Morgan Freeman, synonymous with Hollywood excellence, has been a fixture in the film industry for decades. Known for his distinctive voice and powerful performances, Freeman has captivated audiences across the globe. This article explores the top-grossing films of his illustrious career, showcasing the breadth and depth of his talent. Key Takeaways: Versatile Roles: Morgan Freeman’s […]