Eric Ripert’s Net Worth, Height, Age & Personal Info Wiki


Éric Frank Ripert is a French chef, author, and television personality who specializes in contemporary French cuisine and is known for his work with shellfish. He was born on March 2, 1965.

Le Bernardin, which is located in New York City and is considered to be Ripert’s flagship restaurant, has been listed among the greatest restaurants in the world by various culinary publications and is now positioned at number 36 on the yearly list of “The World’s 50 Best Restaurants.” The New York Times has awarded it the highest possible rating of four stars, and the Michelin Guide has given it a rating of three stars.

Eric Ripert's Net Worth

In 2021, Eric Ripert is a well-known television personality, author, and French chef, and his net worth is estimated to be $20 million. He is an expert in contemporary French cuisine as well as shellfish. His main restaurant, Le Bernardin, can be found in New York City. It is now positioned at number 17 on the list of the world’s 50 best restaurants, and it has received a rating of four stars from The New York Times and three stars from the Michelin Guide.

He has made guest appearances on a number of popular television programs, such as Top Chef, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown, and Treme, among others. Le Bernardin Cookbook, A Return to Cooking, On the Line: The Stations, the Heat, the Cooks, the Costs, the Chaos, and the Triumphs, Avec Eric: A Culinary Journey with Eric Ripert, My Best: Eric Ripert, and 32 Yolks: From My Mother’s Table to Working the Line are some of the books and cookbooks that Eric Ripert has written.

Eric has been a chef for more than three decades, during which time he has amassed a significant amount of professional and personal accomplishment. Because he has multiple significant sources of income, his wealth has consistently increased throughout the years.

Eric Ripert's Early Life

Eric Ripert was brought up in France by his mother, who taught him the basics of cooking at a young age. His family made the move to Andorra when he was a little child, and that is where he spent his formative years. After some time had passed, he went back to France and enrolled in a culinary program in the city of Perpignan. Ripert had a difficult upbringing due to a variety of factors. Ripert was a small child when his parents got a divorce, and his father, to whom Ripert was very close, passed away when Ripert was just 11 years old. Ripert was subjected to severe treatment at the hands of his stepfather. Ripert was quoted as saying to The New York Times, “He was a parasite.” “It was a terrible ordeal for the whole family. He did a pretty good job of destroying our life.”

However, despite Ripert’s encouragement, his mother did eventually evict his stepfather from the family home. However, the harm that had been caused was already irreparable. Ripert kept his childhood a secret for many years, hiding the specifics of it even from his closest friends, until he published his memoir in 2016, titled 32 Yolks: From My Mother’s Table to Working the Line. During this time, Ripert did not speak publicly about his boyhood.

As he was growing up, he was exposed to a variety of cuisines prepared by members of his family, which sparked his interest in the culinary arts. His mother was one of his earliest cooking role models, and he learned a lot from her. Ripert went on to say that observing his mother in the kitchen fostered in him a “passion for great food.” Additionally, his grandmother was a superb cook who specialized in Italian cuisine as well as soul food from the countryside. However, the flavors were not the only thing that brought Ripert to the restaurant. Additionally, he cherished the manner in which people would set the table for a dinner.

Eric Ripert's Education

At a young age, his grandmother started instructing him in the art of cooking. At the age of 15, Ripert was had to attend a boarding school, where he was able to hone his skills. Not only did he learn how to cook throughout the course of the demanding two-year curriculum, but he also learned how to serve. Ripert may have just been a teenager at the time, but he was well aware that his future was not going to be spent waiting tables but rather in the kitchen. It wasn’t easy for him to be at the school, but he was so committed to the course he wanted his career to take that it was worthwhile.

Eric Ripert's Girlfriend and Family Life

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Sandra (Nieves) Ripert, who has been Eric Ripert’s long-term girlfriend, and the couple just got married. Certain tidbits of information are very lovely, despite the fact that the pair wishes to keep the details of their romantic relationship private.

Before 1998, the couple had their first encounter in a restaurant where Sandra had previously worked as a waitress. Since then, they have been married for more than twenty years. J.P. Morgan, which is a well-known financial firm, is her present employer, and she holds the position of financial associate there. In addition to that, she works in real estate brokerage as well. Despite the fact that she stays out of the spotlight as much as possible, she is unwavering in her support of Ripert and his endeavors in every possible way.

They began dating in 1993 and exchanged vows in the same year that they officially became a couple. Their wedding ceremony was held in a stunning location in Bali, and they invited only very close friends and family members to celebrate with them. As there have been no stories about the pair divorcing one another, it would appear that the marriage is getting better and better for the couple.

In addition, the couple has a son together who goes by the name of Adrian Ripert and was born in October of 2003. He is currently a senior in high school. In the present day, the family of three is content to call their residence in Manhattan, which is located in New York City.

Eric Ripert's Career

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In 1982, when he was only 17 years old, he uprooted his life and relocated to Paris, where he took a job at La Tour d’Argent, a renowned establishment that claims to be older than 400 years. He was there for two years. Ripert’s second job was at Jamin, where he was mentored by Jol Robuchon and quickly advanced to the position of Assistant Chef de Partie. Ripert left Jamin in 1985 to complete his mandatory military service. Upon his return, he was given the position of Chef Poissonier at Jamin.

Ripert relocated to the United States in 1989 and was offered a position as a sous chef at the Jean Louis Palladin restaurant located inside the Watergate Hotel. In 1991, Ripert made the journey from Paris to New York, where he spent some time as David Bouley’s sous-chef before Maguy and Gilbert Le Coze hired him to work as the head chef at Le Bernardin. 

After Gilbert Le Coze passed away suddenly from a heart attack in 1994, Ripert was promoted to the position of executive chef at Le Bernardin. Ripert was just 29 years old when he received a four-star rating from The New York Times the next year, and two years later, in 1996, he became a part-owner of the business. In the 2006 edition of the New York City Michelin Guide, Ripert’s Le Bernardin was one of just four restaurants in the city to receive the highest possible rating of three Michelin stars for its outstanding cooking. 

The New York Times has awarded four stars to Le Bernardin on four separate occasions, making it the only restaurant in the city to have achieved and maintained this prestigious distinction for that length of time and to have never lost a star in the previous ten years. It’s not uncommon to hear Le Bernardin referred to as “the Temple of Seafood.”

Ripert is the Vice Chairman of the board of City Harvest, an organization that works to collect finances and improve the quality and quantity of food contributions that are given to those in need in New York City. This organization’s mission is to bring together the best chefs and restaurateurs in New York. In addition, Ripert opened Blue in Grand Cayman in collaboration with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company.

Ripert has been as a guest on a number of cooking-themed television shows, including Top Chef on Bravo TV, where he served as a guest judge and assistant chef throughout the second, third, fourth, and fifth seasons of the show. Ripert had been contemplating participating in season 8 of Top Chef as a permanent judge, but he ultimately decided against doing so after learning that his employee Jen Caroll would be competing once more.

Ripert was a close friend of Anthony Bourdain and made multiple guest appearances on his various television shows, including A Cook’s Tour, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, and Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. Ripert’s first television show, Avec Eric, debuted on PBS stations in September 2009 and ran for two seasons.

It was nominated for two Daytime Emmy Awards and won both of them: Outstanding Culinary Program (2011) and Outstanding Achievement in Main Title and Graphic Design (2012). (2010). In February of 2015, Avec Eric made its triumphant comeback for a third season on the Cooking Channel. The show is now available for streaming on both Netflix and iTunes.

On his website, Ripert has introduced a new series of brief online cooking lessons under the title “Get Toasted.” These movies center on simple and speedy meals that can be prepared and cooked in a toaster oven in a matter of minutes. In the show, he makes use of a toaster oven made by Cuisinart that is modeled after a brick oven and has some upscale features.

Alongside David Chang, Wylie Dufresne, and Tom Colicchio, he appeared as himself in the fifth episode of the first season of the television show Treme, which aired on HBO in 2010. In Season 2’s various episodes, he reprised his cameo appearance throughout the season.

In the fall of 2008, Ripert published On the Line, his second cookbook with Artisan. In 2002, Artisan published A Return to Cooking, a collaboration between Ripert, photographers Shimon and Tammar Rothstein, artist Valentino Cortazar, and writer Michael Ruhlman. Newsweek named it one of the best books of the season.

On the Line is Ripert’s second cookbook with Artisan. 1998 saw the release of Ripert’s first cookbook, Le Bernardin – Four Star Simplicity (Clarkson Potter), and 2014 saw the release of Ripert’s most recent cookbook, My Best: Eric Ripert (Alain Ducasse Publishing).

In 2016, he released his autobiography, titled “32 Yolks: From My Mother’s Table to Working the Line,” which was published by Random House and made it onto the list of best-selling books in The New York Times.

Top Chef Storyline for Eric Ripert

On June 8, 2018, Ripert was traveling with his buddy, American television celebrity and culinary specialist Anthony Bourdain. Bourdain was in Strasbourg, France, working on an episode of his show Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. Ripert discovered Bourdain’s body in the hotel room that Bourdain was staying in in Kaysersberg-Vignoble. It appeared that Bourdain had committed himself by hanging himself. The two chefs are known to be good friends.

In the seventh season of Top Chef, which won both an Emmy and a James Beard Award, Eric Ripert appeared as a guest judge multiple times throughout the competition. During that particular season, the show took place in Washington, DC. This season of Top Chef introduces a fresh face to the competition in the form of Eric Ripert, a chef who was born in France. In addition, Ripert, who has served as a special judge on the cooking competition in the past, will benefit from the publicity opportunity presented by the gig. Because he is so familiar with the city, it was a successful endeavor for him. Before opening his restaurant Le Bernardin in New York City, Ripert worked as a sous-chef at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, District of Columbia.

Eric Ripert's Appearance (Height, Hair, Eyes & More)

HeightX ft X in
X.X m
Weight— pounds
— kg
Hair Color
Eye Color
Body TypeFit/Skinny/
Sexual OrientationStraight/Lesbian/Queer/Bisexual

Facts About Eric Ripert

Estimate Net Worth$X.X million
Zodiac Sign

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