How to Use a Birthing Ball in Labor


Get Comfortable During Labor: How to Use a Birthing Ball

If you’re pregnant and preparing for labor, you may have heard about using a birthing ball. A birthing ball, also known as an exercise ball, can be a helpful tool during labor to reduce pain and discomfort, promote relaxation, and encourage optimal fetal positioning.

Using a birthing ball during labor can provide a variety of benefits. Sitting on the ball can help open up your pelvis, allowing your baby to descend more easily. The gentle bouncing or rocking motion can also help relieve pressure and discomfort, while promoting relaxation and helping you cope with contractions. Additionally, using a birthing ball can help you maintain an upright position, which can be beneficial for both you and your baby during labor.

Benefits of Using a Birthing Ball

Using a birthing ball during labor can provide numerous benefits. Here are some of the advantages of using a birthing ball:

  • Reduced pain intensity
  • Satisfaction with pain relief
  • Feeling in control of your childbirth experience
  • Higher satisfaction with the childbirth experience
  • Improved support and balance
  • Alleviated stress and anxiety

Sitting on a birthing ball can also be a great exercise. It can strengthen your stomach and back muscles, improve your posture, and prepare your body for delivery. Sitting in an upright position can help open up your pelvis and encourage the baby to move down into the birth canal.

Using movement with the birth ball can increase the benefits. You can sway side to side or in a circle. This movement is easy to do in labor. It also helps stretch your body and move the baby into a good position for birth by using movement, gravity, and upright positioning.

One of the primary reasons many women utilize a birthing ball during labor is to lessen lower back pain. The ball can help take pressure off your back and provide a more comfortable position to labor in. Additionally, using a birthing ball during labor has been proven to help speed up dilation of the cervix and aid in moving the baby down into the pelvis, in preparation for birth.

Choosing the Right Size Birthing Ball

Choosing the right size birthing ball is crucial to ensure that you get the most out of your labor and delivery experience. Birthing balls come in different sizes, and it’s important to choose the one that best fits your body type and height.

When selecting a birthing ball, consider the following:

  • Your height
  • Your weight
  • Your comfort level

To determine the correct size of the birthing ball, sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Your hips should be level with or slightly higher than your knees. If your hips are lower than your knees, the ball is too small. If your hips are higher than your knees, the ball is too big.

It’s important to note that the size of the birthing ball is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each woman’s body is different, and you may need to try different sizes to find the one that works best for you.

Keep in mind that the birthing ball should be comfortable and provide support during labor. If you are uncomfortable or feel unstable, it may be time to try a different size.

Overall, choosing the right size birthing ball is an important step in preparing for labor and delivery. Take the time to find the right size for you, and you’ll be well on your way to a more comfortable and successful birth experience.

Preparing to Use a Birthing Ball in Labor

Using a birthing ball during labor can be a great way to help manage pain, encourage labor progress, and find a comfortable position. However, before you can use a birthing ball during labor, you need to prepare it. This section will cover how to inflate the birthing ball and how to position it for use.

Inflating the Birthing Ball

The first step in preparing to use a birthing ball in labor is to inflate it. Most birthing balls come with a pump that you can use to inflate the ball. If your ball did not come with a pump, you can purchase one separately. Make sure to read the instructions that came with your ball and pump before inflating it.

When inflating the ball, it is important to inflate it to the correct size. Most birthing balls come in different sizes based on your height. To determine the correct size for you, measure your height and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines. Once you have determined the correct size, inflate the ball to the recommended diameter.

Positioning the Birthing Ball

Once you have inflated the birthing ball, you need to position it for use. There are several ways to position the ball depending on your preference and comfort level.

  • Sitting on the ball: This is a common position for using a birthing ball during labor. Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure to keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Kneeling near the ball: You can also kneel near the ball and lean forward to hug it. This position can help relieve back pain and pressure on your pelvis.
  • Squatting down: Squatting down with the ball between your legs can also be a comfortable position. This position can help open up your pelvis and encourage labor progress.

Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you. You can also combine different positions to find the most comfortable and effective way to use the birthing ball during labor.

Using the Birthing Ball During Labor

Using a birthing ball during labor can provide gentle movements that help both you and your baby find the most comfortable positions. Here are some ways to use the birthing ball:

Sitting on the Birthing Ball

Place the birthing ball between your legs and sit on it with your feet flat on the floor. This position can help open your pelvis and increase blood flow to the baby. You can also try leaning forward on the ball to relieve pressure on your lower back.

Rocking on the Birthing Ball

Using movement with the birthing ball can increase the benefits. You can sway side to side or in a circle. This movement is easy to do in labor. It also helps stretch your body and move the baby into a good position for birth by using movement, gravity, and upright positioning.

Leaning on the Birthing Ball

You can also lean on the birthing ball for support during labor. Leaning forward on the ball can help relieve pressure on your lower back. You can also try leaning against the ball, on all fours. Put the birthing ball on the floor and lean against it while on your knees.

Remember to listen to your body and do what feels comfortable for you. Using a birthing ball during labor can help you stay active and comfortable, and it may even shorten your labor time.

Tips for Using a Birthing Ball Safely

Using a birthing ball during labor can be a great way to ease discomfort and facilitate the birthing process. However, it is important to use the ball safely to avoid injury or complications. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose the right size: Make sure you choose a birthing ball that is the right size for your height. When you sit on the ball, your hips should be higher than your knees. This will help you maintain good posture and prevent strain on your back.
  • Use the ball on a non-slip surface: To prevent the ball from slipping out from under you, make sure you use it on a non-slip surface, such as a yoga mat or carpet. Avoid using it on a hard or slippery surface, such as tile or hardwood floors.
  • Have someone assist you: When getting on and off the ball, it can be helpful to have someone assist you to prevent falls or injury. This is especially important if you are feeling weak or unsteady.
  • Start slow: If you are new to using a birthing ball, start slow and gradually build up your time on the ball. Begin with short periods of sitting and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels while using the ball. If you feel any discomfort or pain, stop using the ball and try a different position. If you experience any unusual symptoms, such as contractions or bleeding, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
  • Do not overinflate the ball: Overinflating the birthing ball can cause it to burst and lead to injury. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for inflating the ball to the appropriate size.
  • Use the ball under supervision: It is important to use the birthing ball under the supervision of a healthcare provider or trained professional. They can help ensure you are using the ball safely and effectively.


Congratulations on learning how to use a birthing ball during labor! By incorporating this tool into your childbirth experience, you can reduce pain intensity, feel in control, and increase your satisfaction with pain relief. Additionally, using a birthing ball can help you find comfortable positions and reduce stress and anxiety.

Remember to choose the right size ball for your height and sit on it with good posture. You can use the ball in a variety of positions, such as sitting, leaning, and rocking. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you.

It’s important to note that while a birthing ball can be a helpful tool during labor, it’s not a guarantee for a pain-free childbirth experience. Be sure to communicate with your healthcare provider and have a birth plan in place.

Overall, using a birthing ball during labor can be a beneficial addition to your childbirth toolkit. With the right techniques and guidance, you can use the ball to support your body and make your labor more comfortable.