Brian Cox Turned Down “Pirates of the Caribbean” Due To Johnny Depp’s Casting


He's never been one to keep his opinions about his fellow actors to himself.

In his new book, “Putting the Rabbit in the Hat,” which will be released on January 18, Brian Cox doesn’t mince words as he lambastes a number of celebrities, including “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor Johnny Depp.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

According to him, he was approached for the role of governor in the first Pirates film, which was finally given to Jonathan Pryce. By excerpting an interview with GQ, Cox noted, “It would have been a money-spinner, but of all the parts in that film it was the most thankless, plus I would have ended up doing it for film after film and missed out on all the other nice things I’ve done.”

Cox opted to pass on the franchise for another reason: his 58-year-old would-be costar, Johnny Depp. “Another thing with [Pirates of the Caribbean] is that it’s very much the ‘Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow’ show,” and subsequently branded him as “so overblown, so overrated.”

He then added, “I mean, ‘Edward Scissorhands.’ Let’s face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t. And subsequently, he’s done even less.”

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Captain Jack Sparrow has been portrayed by Johnny Depp in five films, starting with The Curse of the Black Pearl in 2003 and ending with Dead Men Tell No Tales in 2017.

Despite the studio’s intentions to recast the part with a younger actor in 2018, many fans have petitioned for Depp to return as Jack Sparrow in the future. A prequel film based on the character has been in the works since 2018.

In addition to Johnny Depp, it was also a tirade against Edward Norton, whom he described as “a nice lad but a bit of a pain in the arse because he fancies himself as a writer-director,” before.

Reactions to Brian Cox Turned Down "Pirates of the Caribbean" Due To Johnny Depp's Casting

brian cox's favorite part of awards season is reminding everyone he fucking hates johnny depp

Brian Cox, put your #JohnnyDepp jealousy in a closet with your unsold books and take a step back. If you've made bad choices in your career, that's no reason to spit your jealousy and malice over the success of Johnny, who, by the way, is adored by audiences around the world.

brian cox’s hatred of johnny depp is so funny to me

Still use his name for clout so

he’s always serving cunt really who’s doing it like him

Yet here you are gaining money and clout by using Johnny Depp’s name.

Turns out Brian Cox is a salty bitch 🤷‍♀️🦙

Fun fact: Depp made more than Cox’s entire net worth in one film’s salary…one that he isn’t even going to appear in.

if my last name was cocks i would be mad too

his last name is literally cocks who let him think he can talk about johnny

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