All About High-Protein Diets and Bodybuilding

All About High-Protein Diets and Bodybuilding
All About High-Protein Diets and Bodybuilding

Protein is one of the three macronutrients found only in food sources that the body needs in large quantities to function better. The other two macronutrients are fats and carbohydrates. Protein is required by the body for repair and growth. It is also made of small components called amino acids. Amino acids number in the hundreds, but only 22 of them are used by the body. The human body produces all amino acids except nine of them. These nine are called essential amino acids. 

Proteins have varying amounts and combinations of amino acids. It is important to know this information if you are creating a dietary plan. What exactly is a high-protein diet?

Defining a High-Protein Diet

Registered dietitians define a high-protein diet as the consumption of 15 percent or more of the total calories consumed as protein. This may be more complicated when it comes to athletes. Another concern is on the side of the vegan advocates. For them, the normal protein requirement for the majority of people is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram. This is way more than enough for what is needed even by people who are into sports and fitness exercises. In such research studies involving physically active people, when it comes to building muscle mass, protein requirement is not based on a percentage of the total calories but instead on weight. The suggested protein requirement for those who are aiming to add to one’s muscle range is 1.4 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of weight.

Protein Consumption and Muscle Building

The body has two metabolic processes: anabolism and catabolism. Catabolic is the breakdown process of body tissues. Its contrast is anabolic which is the buildup of muscle tissues. Muscles grow when the increased muscle protein synthesis (MPS) exceeds muscle breakdown. It can also be stated this way: muscular growth occurs because anabolic effects dominate the catabolic effects. When the body is at rest, the catabolic effects are the ones dominating. However, with exercise and resistance exercise as stimuli, anabolic effects like MPS dominate.

How a High-Protein Diet Benefits Bodybuilders

High-protein diets are highly important for bodybuilders because they need a high amount of protein to reconstruct and strengthen muscles. Overweight individuals may also benefit from protein since it helps them in terms of muscle building and weight loss. Bodybuilders can easily attain lean muscle growth and replenish their proteins often. A properly administered high-protein diet also offers different benefits in bodily functions, brain development, and satiety. Here are the most known benefits of proteins to bodybuilders:

Improved Recovery

Intense workouts often result in muscle damage and body inflammation. A high-protein diet helps in faster recovery as it supplies the nutrients that can repair damaged tissues.

Reduced Hunger

Protein is known for being satisfying. It can keep you full longer compared to fats and carbohydrates. This is why a high-protein diet can help reduce cravings and hunger. This is helpful to bodybuilders who have to follow a strict diet. 

Better Metabolism

It needs more energy to digest and absorb protein as opposed to fats and carbohydrates. This results in a temporary metabolic increase, and it helps bodybuilders to burn more calories and lose fat.

Muscle Growth

Protein is known as the building block of muscles. High consumption of protein helps in building and repairing muscles, which results in increased strength and muscle mass. 

Better Body Composition

A high-protein diet can help bodybuilders in enhancing their body composition by increasing muscle mass and bringing down the amount of body fat.

It is worth noting though that bodybuilders must also consume sufficient amounts of fats and carbohydrates to help with physical training and overall health. 

Finding Out How Much Protein You Need for Bodybuilding

Protein requirements for bodybuilding purposes differ according to age, fitness goals, and level of fitness. The rule of thumb is to maintain a gram of protein for every pound of body weight. A bodybuilder may need  2 to 3 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight every day. Under normal diet practices, this can’t be attained. Hence, it is necessary to integrate high-protein foods like fish, tofu, and chicken. 

Most bodybuilders spread their consumption of protein throughout the day. Elite athletes consume about 2g of protein for every kilogram of body weight for them to build muscles. 

The ​​National Academy of Medicine recommends for adults a minimum of about 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight daily. The range of calories from protein is 10 to 35 percent. 

Are There Risks in Following a High-Protein Diet?

A high-protein diet that goes beyond the 2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day threshold may result in adverse health effects like heart disease and high blood pressure. Same with any kind of diet, it is crucial to undergo consultation with the doctor and regular checkups, particularly for those who have kidney issues. But high-protein diets are known to help with osteoporosis, and overweight individuals, and they can also reduce blood pressure levels. 

General Dietary Guidelines

The recommended requirement for daily intake of fats, carbohydrates, and protein varies from one country to another. In the US, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) sets the guidelines. It recommends a protein consumption of around 10 to 35 percent of the total daily calorie intake for women and men who are over 18.

Always bear in mind that excess protein can’t be used by the body. This may cause a problem with your kidneys. This is especially true for those people who have kidney problems or those who are at risk of it. Proteinuria or protein in urine is an indication of kidney damage. If you are at risk of having your kidneys damaged, it is recommended that you consume no more than 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. Also when taking in high amounts of protein, it is advised to take a higher amount of water for the kidneys to easily filter out the waste brought by excessive protein intake. It is also recommended to increase the intake of vitamin B6 since it’s the vitamin responsible for protein metabolism.


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