Kendall Jenner And Devin Booker Engagement Plan?

We’re not going to hear any wedding bells yet for Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker.
It’s been over a year since Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker began dating. They celebrated their one-year anniversary in June 2021.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Entertainment Tonight got an update from a source about how the couple see their future together.

“They’re not putting any sort of pressure on things for the future,” the source said. “They realize they’re both still young and have big futures ahead of them. Right now, they’re just enjoying their time together and taking things as they come.” Surprisingly, source additionally added that the two are very much coordinated.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

The model confirmed that she and Devin were dating in the Keeping Up With the Kardashians reunion special in June. She described him as her “boyfriend,” and clarified why she has decided to keep her adoration life more hidden than her sisters.

“Kylie and I have had the opportunity to watch our older sisters go through marriages and relationships and breakups and all these things, and do them pretty publicly,” she stated.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“And no offense to you guys at all, but I think it was personal preference from a really young age that I didn’t want to. I think it makes my life a lot easier and our relationship a lot better, to be completely honest. I just feel like it’s a private matter, it’s not really for anybody else to judge or know.”

“Devin Booker is sweet, smart, fun and totally not a player,” the source complimented. “He is very respectful and was raised with very good values. Kendall finds that to be a very attractive quality. They can both balance work and their personal lives together, and it’s not an issue.”

Reactions to Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker Relationship Update

These twitter users right here was shocked to know that Kendall and Devin are dating. Guess being lowkey about their relationship, paid off.


tell me how i got through all of the nba finals (+ entire season) without knowing devin booker is dating kendall jenner. and has been for a year?

Kendall Jenner’s Mom, Kris Jenner, is not just showing her support to their relationship, but to her boyfriend’s career as well after winning a Gold Olympic Medal and here’s how this user reacts to it.

Many people at Devin are proud of you🤍🥺I am very happy to see Kendall’s mother (kris) post a story#kendall #dbook #kendalljenner #devinbooker #kardashian #olympics @KendallJenner @DevinBook

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