Country Singer Clare Dunn Was Attacked By A Lyft Driver


Clare Dunn shared a photograph of her bloodied and wounded face.

Clare Dunn sorrowfully disclosed to PEOPLE Magazine about what happened to her. “This has been hell.”

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
The incident occured on June 26 in Tennessee. They had been recording in Nashville when she and a companion shared a Lyft home from a girl’s night out, which left her alone after the pal dropped off first.

The singer recalled the occurrence and clarified how the driver got progressively upset when she requested that he take a slower course staying away from highways, and afterward called attention to that he had missed her turn. 

She likewise added, “And I just knew in that moment that I wasn’t going to get on that interstate with him. I wasn’t going to go quietly where he wanted to take me. And I think he realized maybe this girl was going to be more trouble than she’s worth.” The driver then, at that point pulled over not exactly a mile from her home, she said.

Clare tragically uncovered how the Lyft driver assaulted her, “Before I could even get my shoes off or get my phone to try and call 911, he grabbed me by the collar, ripped me out of the backseat and slammed me face-first down into a ditch.”

“Somehow in the scuffle, I thought I called 911, but I didn’t even get the number right. But it was a miracle. They called me back.”

“And when I came to, I was screaming, and I saw headlights. He ended up just leaving me alone at that point and took off,” recollecting how she had the option to run home with blood on her swollen face. She additionally said that the driver knew what he was doing dependent on how he denoted her ride completed after the incident happened, since it’ll eliminate key information about the driver from the passenger’s app.

The artist conceded that she and her companion felt “alerts” about the driver, yet she disregarded them accepting that she’s simply overthinking things. “I blame myself,” she said, crying.

Reactions to Clare's incident

Various responses were assembled from individuals who were stunned by the information. Here’s one,

#Lyft is this the type of people you hire?

Someone also revealed, that what Clare asked for the driver is a pet peeve for them

Definitely not okay and he needs to be charged but I’ll admit it’s a pet peeve of mine when people tell drivers which way to go, especially if you’re telling them to take a slower route. Ride share drivers make better money off volume, not time, let them do their job.

The suspect named Albert Boakye, 46, was booked into Metro prison at 12:46 A.M. Tuesday, online records show after the Nashville Metro police put out an alert to him on Monday. He was released soon after 4 a.m., without any subtleties immediately accessible about possible bonds.

Police told WKRN that he had been on a warrant for misdemeanor assault after Dunn furnished a photograph of him alongside her excursion data from the Lyft application. Lyft disclosed to People mag it had contacted the vocalist and furthermore assisted police with the investigation.

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