Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson Keeping Things Friendly Between Them After Split

Khloe Kardashian is maintaining a healthy relationship with the father of her child, Tristan Thompson.
Khloe and Tristan were as of late seen going to a birthday celebration for Lebron James’ significant other Savannah in West Hollywood, California, on Saturday Night.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

After that new occasion, individuals theorized that the two are currently back together, however the source procured by E! News tells the opposite, “They aren’t back together. They’re both friends with Savannah and LeBron and that’s why they went to the party. They arrived and left separately.”

“Khloé and Tristan continue to keep things friendly. They were both invited to the birthday party and hung out a bit. They arrived with separate groups of friends though,” another source told PEOPLE.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

They share a 3-year-old little girl named True, the motivation behind why they ought to maintain a friendship and co-parenting relationship.

“They will continue to do things with mutual friends and as a family with True,” the source shares and added that nothing really has changed with their relationship, they have a solid companionship and love for each other because of their daughter.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Kardashian and Thompson are trying to keep 3-year-old daughter True as their No. 1 priority after what happened between them. “They spent time together with True over the weekend as well. Khloe’s goal is always to create the best situation for True,” says the source.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“Regardless of what happens with Tristan, Khloé wants True to know that both of her parents love her tremendously.”

In June, PEOPLE affirmed that Kardashian and Thompson had split amid bits of gossips about the athlete’s alleged infidelity.

Reactions to Khloe Kardashian And Tristan Thompson's Healthy Relationship Amid Split

Let me find out Tristan Thompson is out on the loose again, but this time in Beverly Hills making Khloé Kardashian look like this to the entire world:

Lmao please. What does this even mean?

If she gets back with this man one mo' time, I will fucking riot ya me tienen HARTA

keep saying they have child together, history, bla bla bla I don't give AF if it were me and if I needed their blood to survive, if they treated me the way this douch treats her, no respect, none for any woman - I'd be ✌bro the door is there. no mo 🖕

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