7 Hospital Bag Essentials to Breastfeed Your Newborn

Breastfeeding is supposed to be one of the most natural things a mother will do. It’s portrayed on social media — and by that unicorn mama you met at the park — as beautiful and effortless. But you may not feel like a breastfeeding goddess those first few days as a new mama. Sometimes the […]

A Birth Story in Pictures

This is what having a baby looks like. My son was born on his due date, which I know is rare. I had moments in the days leading up to his birth where I’d have an intense cramp and think, “Oh this could be it!” and then 30 minutes later, they would be completely gone. […]

Hydrating during Pregnancy

Here’s why and how you should stay hydrated during the winter months. It’s no secret that expecting mamas need to stay hydrated, but all too often we forget how important it is during the cold, winter months. Women actually require the same amount of water year-round and arguably even more so in the winter. We […]

Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Getting pregnant after a miscarriage is an emotional rollercoaster ride. This month, I received a sobering reminder that it’d been one year since my miscarriage. Usually, my Facebook memories oscillate between semi-embarrassing college posts and photos of my two children. But when last year’s announcement that we had lost our baby at 12 weeks popped […]

10 Food Staples Every New Mom Needs

Stay energized and satiated through the newborn phase. As a new mom, eating well and staying hydrated can be very challenging. You’re adjusting to a whole new schedule, the needs of your newborn come first, and all of it can often be hard to navigate when you fit in eating, especially when food prep is […]

What to Eat When You Have Gestational Diabetes

5 nutritional tips to keep your blood sugars under control. Did you just drink that not-so-tasty orange beverage only to find out that you have gestational diabetes? First, know that you are not alone: gestational diabetes, which occurs later during pregnancy when the body is not able to process insulin as efficiently due to hormonal changes, […]

A Healthy Dose: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. It is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for the development and growth of bones and teeth. During pregnancy, the need for vitamin D increases significantly, as it is required for the proper development of […]

8 Natural Remedies for C-Section Recovery

These tips can help you heal faster, naturally. You’re back in your own home, own bed, and own PJs. Gone is that butt-less number you donned in the hospital. The hospital staff sent you on your way with post-op c-section instructions, but it seems someone forgot to give you tips to handle some less than pleasant problems. […]

Connecting With Your Baby Before Birth

How much impact can you make on fetal development during pregnancy? There’re a lot of new products out there offering you ways to connect with your baby before birth. But how far should you go to make sure you’ve established that connection? Pregnant women are encouraged to do this and do that — or buy […]