Gabriela Barragan’s Net Worth, Height, Age & Personal Info Wiki


Gabriela Barragan is a yachtie who is from San Diego, California. She has prior experience in the maritime industry serving in the roles of hostess and deckhand. Her most notable role was as a cast member in the third season of the reality show Below Deck Sailing Yacht, which airs on BravoTV. In addition to it, she surfs. Gabriela was one of the new contestants who participated in the third season as a second stew. Her “newbie” co-stars included chef Marcos Spaziani, third Stew Ashley Marti, and deckhands Kelsie Goglia and Tom Pearson. Her “veteran” co-stars included Tom Pearson and Kelsie Goglia. Gabriela Barragan is well-known for her impeccable sense of style. This is due to the fact that she is a natural at putting outfits together, as well as the fact that she enjoys expressing her individuality via the clothes that she wears. Her fellow crew members frequently referred to her as the type of person who, regardless of the event that is being attended, you can always count on Gabriela to look her very best for it.

Gabriela is aware of the fact that there are not many people in the yachting profession that have a similar appearance to her due to the fact that she is a lady of color. In the years to come, she wants to see this particular aspect of the world improve. She is really enthusiastic about making use of her platform to promote diversity within the yachting industry.

Gabriela Barragan's Net Worth

In 2021, Gabriela had accumulated a net worth of less than $600,000. As a second stewardess for Below Deck Sailing Yacht, it was rumored that she received a monthly salary of approximately $5,000 USD. She has worked on boats for more than two years already, both as a stewardess and as a deckhand. In addition, it was said by Refinery 29 that a second and third stewardess on a boat the size of the “My Seanna” makes an average of $5,000 per month. This information was found in the article. In addition, a chief stewardess can expect to get a monthly pay of between $5,500 and $6,000 depending on experience and level of responsibility. The incentive contributes around $5000 per month to the total monthly income.

Her wealth is also increasing from her Cameo account. The Cameo app is used by Gabriela’s followers so that they can receive a message from her directly, which is made possible by the platform. Recording and selling video shoutouts is now possible for famous people thanks to Cameo. For personalized videos, Gabriela is presently charging $19 each video.

Gabriela Barragan's Early Life

Gabriela’s birthday is on November 3, 1987. Therefore, she is currently 34 years old, a Scorpio, and will turn 35 years old this year. Gabriela spent her childhood in San Diego, which is located in California. Gabriela Barragan is a person of mixed racial background as a result of her parents. It was established that Benito Navarro Barragan was her father; however, the identity of her mother and other pertinent information are unclear. 

Tragically, Gabriela’s Mexican father passed away on November 5, 2007, as we discovered via the images that she shared on Instagram. It was less than a month till he turned 64 years old. Gabriela’s dad came from Mexico, hence the family has Mexican roots. While Gabriela was discussing her father, she brought up the point that there aren’t many men like her father around these days. He was known to be a “decent man” who was fearless, kind, and frank in his interactions with others. In addition to this, he was the one who implanted in her the conviction that she is worthy of love and respect. He was her primary influence in this regard. 

Likewise, Barragan had an older brother who was known as Benito Jr. and was born in the year 1974. The yachtie revealed the information that when she was ten years old, her brother Benito Jr. was the one who taught her how to skateboard. He was the one who taught her how to skateboard. He passed away on March 26, 2016, when he was 41 years old, which was a tragic turn of events. Gabriela reminisced about the days when she and Benito were younger and told the story of how Benito used to record her voice and produce tracks and mixtapes to accompany them. Gabriela and Benito had been friends since they were children.

Gabriela has two more brothers; the younger one is known as Jose Barragan, and the older one goes by the name Alex. Additional information regarding Gabriela’s other brothers may be found in the following: San Diego City College is where Alex received his degree (who was in the police). When she had seen her mother the last time, she seemed to be leading a healthy lifestyle and had a positive attitude.

Gabriela Barragan's Education

Gabriela Barragan attended San Diego State University and focused her studies on linguistics from 2005 until 2007 when she graduated with her degree. She is currently in the last semester of her degree program in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Santa Monica College, which she has attended for the past three years.

Gabriela Barragan's Husband/Boyfriend and Family Life

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht star Gabriela Barragan confirmed that she and Below Deck season 9 alum Wes O’Dell are in a relationship. With the latest declaration of their relationship, Gabriela and Wes have put an end to the rumors that had been circulating about them, and it is giving everyone the emotions. Gabriela broke the news to listeners of Adrienne’s podcast titled “Gangplank Report,” in which she disclosed that she has been dating Wes for the previous few months. Gabriela also told listeners that they had been on a date. Gabriela’s previous romantic experiences were less than ideal until she met Wes. She admitted throughout the episode that her narcissistic ex-boyfriend was the catalyst for her decision to seek treatment for her issues.

On board the Parsifal III, Gabriela also participated in her fair share of crew romances. She hooked up with Gary King, which ultimately led to the messy love triangle with Ashley Marti. She has made it clear that she is overjoyed to have discovered somebody such as Wes. One of the reasons Wes is a member of the Below Deck team is because he is boat savvy. The sailing vessel Nightwind ll has Wes serving as its captain. Barragan and O’Dell were already hard at work on a sailboat when her yacht drama began appearing on Bravo at the tail end of the previous year. Because Gabriela is presently employed on Nightwind II, it was at St. Thomas, where the two of them had been working together, that the two of them first started dating.

Gabriela Barragan's Career

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Gabriela Barragan is a trained surfer turned jet-setting yachtie. She is originally from San Diego, California, in the United States. Gabriela worked as a bartender in the past, before she began her career in the yachting sector. Gabriela stated to Travel Noire, “I do not know anyone who is part of the top one percent. My family is not particularly well off. I’ve been telling people that if I land a job bartending in New York City, I’ll finally feel like I’ve arrived as a bartender. I was given the opportunity to work as a bartender on a rooftop with a view of the Empire State Building. I thought to myself, “Oh, well, I guess that means I need to find something else to do.” 

Gabriela’s journey into a career in yachting was anything from a direct and straightforward one. Although there were moments when she explored other hobbies, working in the yachting sector is something that she has long dreamed of doing. Now, at long last, she will be able to claim that she will have the opportunity to put her goal into action.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Storyline for Gabriela Barragan

In the third season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Gabriela Barragan made the choice to quit her job as a second stew, and looking back, that was the smartest move she could have done at the time. Gabriela got off to a strong start in the season, as evidenced by the fact that Daisy Keliher, the head stew, prepared her second stew. As a result of her being given the role, she and her fellow Below Deck Sailing Yacht castmate Ashley Marti, who was cast as the third stew, had some negative feelings toward one another. Daisy believed that because Gabriela was ten years older than Ashley, she had more life experience than Ashley did. This is despite the fact that Gabriela and Ashley had pretty much the same experience.

Gabriela and Ashley were never able to create a stable relationship together despite their best efforts. Ashley had the impression that the second stew was lording it over her and being superior to her. Gabriela voiced her dissatisfaction with the fact that Ashley frequently ignored her to-do lists as a form of retaliation. Their failure to communicate led to blunders, which Daisy had to address with them, which in turn caused Gabriela to have second thoughts about her capabilities as the second cook. Gabriela’s stress level increased due to the fact that a misunderstanding she had with Below Deck Sailing Yacht’s Chef Marcos Spaziani even caused disruptions in the dinner service during a charter.

Gabriela Barragan, who typically picks fights with Ashley Marti, was involved in a conflict with chef Marcos Spaziani. When Daisy Kelliher inquired about the meals provided for charter passengers in the prior episode, the latter individual blamed Barragan for the problem. However, Barragan did in fact inform the chef, despite his assertion that she had not done so. Since then, Spaziani has given Barragan the cold shoulder, which resulted in the second stew being extremely inebriated. As a consequence of this, she caused a great deal of drama, which displeased her supervisor Kelliher.

Ashley Marti was regarded to be envious of Gabriela Barragan from the beginning, and as a result, Gabriela Barragan has always had troubles with Ashley Marti. The two have always been in competition with one another professionally, but the situation has become more personal between them ever since Barragan began dating Gary King.

Fans of Below Deck Sailing Yacht watched as Gabriela descended more and deeper into self-doubt throughout the course of the season, which led to her lashing out at the other cast members. Gabriela made the choice to resign from her position as the second stew aboard the Parsifal III after getting into a violent dispute with Marcos and experiencing feelings of isolation from the crew while on a midday trip. She admitted it to a close friend when they were on the phone together, and said that she had been reacting negatively to the stress brought on by the boat dynamics. Gabriela came to the realization that she needed to give herself some space and concentrate on her mental well-being.

Gabriela’s announcement to Captain Glenn Shepard of the BDSY that she needed to leave took him by surprise; yet, he realized that she needed to look out for herself. Gabriela was obviously angry with herself for deciding to quit, but she was also aware that she needed to give herself some time to work on herself. Ashley didn’t appear startled by the departure of the second stew, and she even made a statement about receiving more in tips with one less person on the team. The rest of the staff expressed their sadness over the departure of the second stew. Deckhand Kelsie Goglia, who had developed a strong bond with Gabriela over the course of the season, appeared to be the single crew member who appeared to be most impacted by the news.

Gabriela Barragan's Appearance (Height, Hair, Eyes & More)

Height5 ft 7 in
1.7 m
Weight— pounds
— kg
Hair ColorDark Brown
Eye ColorBrown
Body TypeFit
Sexual OrientationStraight

Facts About Gabriela Barragan

Estimate Net Worth$600,000
Zodiac SignScorpio
BirthplaceSan Diego, California
BirthdayNovember 3, 1987


  1. Gabriella Barragan (Below Deck Sailing Yacht), bio, age, height, family, education, career, net worth, Retrieved from: 
  2. Who Is Gabriela Barragan? Everything About The Cast Of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3, Retrieved from: 
  3. Gabriela Barragan (Below Deck Sailing Yacht) Bio, Age, Parents, Ethnicity, Height, Boyfriend, Net worth, Instagram, Retrieved from: 
  4. 10 Things You Didn’t Know about Gabriela Barragán, Retrieved from: 
  5. Gabriel Barragan bio, family, height, boyfriend, below deck, Retrieved from: 


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