Edward Reese Allen (born May 20, 1965) is a well-known television personality and novelist in the United States. On the television show Queer Eye, broadcast on the Bravo network, he served as the show’s food and wine expert. He has also served as the host of the cooking competition series Chopped, broadcast on the Food Network since the show’s debut in 2009, as well as Chopped Junior, which debuted in the middle of 2015. On April 13, 2014, he was given the role of host for a second show on the Food Network that had previously been known as America’s Best Cook.
On March 1, 2015, a revamped version of the show that had been renamed All-Star Academy made its debut. In the beginning of 2015, he also hosted a four-part special called Best. Ever., which searched the United States for the country’s finest examples of burgers, pizza, breakfast, and barbecue. He has been a contributor to Esquire magazine for a considerable amount of time, is the author of two cookbooks, and makes frequent appearances on the Food Network show Beat Bobby Flay as well as other television cooking series.
Ted Allen's Net Worth
In 2021, Ted Allen is a well-known television personality in the United States, as well as a writer and author of several cookbooks with a net worth of 5 million dollars. Since Ted Allen is now the host of “Chopped,” his earnings have increased significantly from the time when it was believed that he made only $3,000 per episode.
The combined earnings from Ted Allen’s various television roles amount to $700,000 each year. Just for his work on Chopped, he takes home a salary of $50,000. Ted, being the multitalented individual that he is, has accumulated a sizeable income, and it is anticipated that he will continue to do so in the years to come. Ted’s success is not surprising. Ted Allen’s net worth is approximately $5 million.
Ted Allen's Early Life
Edward “Ted” Allen was born on May 20, 1965, in Columbus, Ohio, United States to his parents, Lowell Reese Allen and Donna Allen. Edward “Ted” Allen spent his childhood in Carmel, Indiana, after his parents moved there in 1973. Lisa Martin, his sister, currently resides in Noblesville. They have the same last name.

After a brief battle with an unexpected illness, his father passed away on May 17, 2008 in Carmel. His mother, who is currently married to Art Adams, appeared on an episode of “Chopped” with Ted back in February of 2017, and the program was taped for a Mother’s Day special that was scheduled to debut on May 9 of the same year. Unfortunately, the public is not privy to any information regarding the members of his extended family. This includes his aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Ted Allen's Education
After completing his high school education at Carmel High School in 1983 and enrolling at Purdue University to take advantage of the university’s first-rate psychology program, he went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in the subject in 1987. After that, he made the decision to get an MBA from Purdue’s Krannert Graduate School of Management, but he quit in the middle of the program to take a job as a copy editor for the Lafayette daily newspaper ‘Journal & Courier.’
He was more interested in writing and eventually went back to graduate school to acquire his master’s degree in journalism from New York University. His focus was on investigative reporting. In addition to that, the school’s Science and Environmental Reporting Program awarded him an advanced certificate of completion.
Ted Allen's Husband/Boyfriend and Family Life
In 1993, while Ted Allen was working as a journalist in Chicago, he was introduced to Barry Rice, who had previously worked as a journalist and was a professor of journalism at Columbia College. Rice currently works as an interior designer. Interior design is Barry Rice’s area of expertise. He is known for designing contemporary rooms with an emphasis on bespoke furnishings.
In 2013, Barry established Full Circle Modern, which features designs for old furniture in a variety of styles. They’ve been together since 1993, and after they were officially recognized as domestic partners, they started calling to each other as “husband.” They’ve been married since 2003.
However, despite the fact that his current state of residence, New York, passed a law making homosexual marriage lawful in 2011, the couple chose not to marry until equal rights were provided on a federal level. In June 2013, three hours after the United States Supreme Court determined that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional, he made the announcement that he and his partner of twenty years were “engaged to be married.” DOMA had been declared unconstitutional in June 2013.
Ted Allen's Career
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After graduating from his program in journalism, Ted Allen moved to Chicago and began working as a reporter for Lerner Newspapers, a network of neighborhood weeklies. It was around this time that he made his initial venture into the world of fine dining. Along with his future spouse Barry Rice, who was working at the chain at the time as the entertainment editor, he became a member of a dining-critique team known as “The Famished Four.” This team provided reviews of cuisine from the perspective of a “ordinary person.”
Soon after, he began working for the publication Chicago as a freelance restaurant reviewer, where he covered topics such as cuisine, wine, and notable figures in the world of gastronomy. Eventually, he became a senior editor at the publication. In 1997, he started working as a contributing editor for the magazine “Esquire,” where he wrote features, food pieces, and profiles.
Over the course of the following several years, he also co-authored many volumes in the series “Things a Man Should Know.”
When Ted Allen was looking for something new to do in the early 2000s, he came across a casting call that was being put out by Barbara Barna, a casting director located in New York City, for the upcoming show on the Bravo network called “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.” Allen was chosen to be the ‘Food and Wine Connoisseur,’ an expert on alcoholic beverages, food preparation, and presentation, on the series that began airing in July 2003. Barna described Allen as “the intelligent woman’s sex symbol,” and he was the perfect fit for the role.
Alongside Allen, the series, which was eventually abbreviated to to “Queer Eye,” included four additional gay experts as well: “Grooming Guru” Kyan Douglas, “Design Doctor” Thom Filicia, “Fashion Savant” Carson Kressley, and “Culture Vulture” Jai Rodriguez. The “Fab Five” would typically conduct a “make-better” for a man who was straight.
The show rapidly became a surprise hit, won a “Emmy Award,” and in 2005 it gave rise to a spin-off that was geared more toward women.
In the years that followed, he was a guest on a number of different talk shows, and beginning in 2004, he served as a judge on the food competition series “Iron Chef America: Battle of the Masters” and “Iron Chef America: The Series” broadcast on the Food Network.
In 2006, he appeared as a special judge on one episode of the first season of the reality cooking competition on Bravo known as “Top Chef.” Subsequently, he became a regular judge for the show’s third and fourth seasons.
In 2007, he hosted the series “Uncorked: Wine Made Simple” on PBS. After that, he went back to Food Network to host two episodes: “Food Detectives” in 2008 and “Chopped” in 2009.
Both of these shows focused on the process of making wine in different parts of the world. The first show, which was a food-science show that investigated food-related beliefs, aired for a total of 23 episodes, while the second show, which was a reality cooking game-show, went on to become one of the highest-rated prime time shows on the network and has been running successfully for 44 seasons.
Additionally, ‘Chopped’ filmed 31 special episodes and expanded out to produce spin-off shows such as ‘Chopped Sweets,’ which is a show focused on desserts and is presented by Scott Conant; ‘Chopped Junior,’ which features young chefs; and ‘Chopped After Hours,’ which airs late at night. Between the years 2014 and 2017, Allen presented 21 episodes of “Chopped After Hours,” and between 2015 and 2019, he was the host of approximately 90 episodes of “Chopped Junior.”
Between the years 2009 and 2012, he appeared as a special guest on a total of four episodes of “Food Network Star.” Subsequently, he appeared on a number of episodes of “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” between the years 2009 and 2018. In addition, he was a guest star on five episodes of the spin-off series titled “The Best Thing I Ever Made” in the year 2012.
In 2014, he began hosting the food competition ‘America’s Best Cook’ on the Food Network. At the same time, he began participating as a judge and mentor on another cooking competition show titled ‘Beat Bobby Flay,’ which was also shown on the Food Network. The year after that, he served as the host of multiple episodes of the reality TV series “Best.Ever.” as well as “All-Star Academy.”
Ted Allen began his career as an author by collaborating with Scott Omelianuk on the creation of four books that were published as part of the extremely successful ‘Things a Man Should Know’ series by Esquire magazine between the years 1999 and 2001. As a result of the popularity of the television show “Queer Eye,” he and the other members of the cast collaborated in 2004 to write the book “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: The Fab Five’s Guide to Looking Better, Cooking Better, Dressing Better, Behaving Better, and Living Better.”
In 2005, they worked together on his quick-reference cookbook titled “The Food You Want To Eat: 100 Smart, Simple Recipes.” Stephanie Lyness was the recipe creator and tester, and she was also the author of the book. In My Kitchen: 100 Recipes and Discoveries for the Passionate was his most recent book, and it was also the first book he wrote under his own name. It was published in 2012.
Top Chef Storyline for Ted Allen
On a regular basis, speculations concerning the author Ted Allen’s health have been disseminated across the entirety of the internet. On the other hand, the report that he is sick is not true.
Ted Allen, who is 56 years old, gives off the impression of being in good shape. At the time, he is the host of a variety of food series on several television networks. There has been no word from Alen’s family members regarding any updates regarding his illness. In a similar vein, he has not commented on his poor health up to this point.
Ted, who was a journalist long before he became a reality TV celebrity, continued to pursue a career in the culinary field after Queer Eye came to an end, and he has found even more success in this endeavor. In seasons three and four of Bravo’s Top Chef, he served as a judge, and in 2009, he began his long-running career as the host of Chopped on the Food Network. He has been in this role ever since. He also makes appearances on a number of the other series that are shown on the network, such as his brand-new competition show, All-Star Academy, which debuted in March of 2015.
Ted Allen's Appearance (Height, Hair, Eyes & More)
Height | X ft X in X.X m |
Weight | — pounds — kg |
Hair Color | — |
Eye Color | — |
Body Type | Fit/Skinny/ |
Sexual Orientation | Straight/Lesbian/Queer/Bisexual |
Facts About Ted Allen
Nationality | American |
Estimate Net Worth | $X.X million |
Religion | — |
Zodiac Sign | — |
Birthplace | — |
Birthday | MONTH XX. YEAR |