Calculate Net Worth


Calculating net worth is straightforward, yet it provides a comprehensive view of your financial health. Net worth is the difference between what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities). To calculate it, start by listing all your assets. This can include cash in hand and bank accounts, the market value of investments such as stocks, bonds, and retirement accounts, and tangible assets like real estate properties, vehicles, or valuable personal items. Then, list all your liabilities, which may comprise debts like mortgages, student loans, car loans, and credit card balances. Subtract the total amount of your liabilities from your assets to get your net worth. A positive net worth indicates that your assets exceed your debts, which indicates good financial health. Conversely, a negative net worth means you owe more than you own, suggesting that you focus on debt reduction or asset accumulation. Regularly calculating and tracking your net worth can help you gauge your financial progress, make informed decisions, and plan for future financial goals.

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