Dallas Employee Fired By Dillard’s After Using Racist Slurs In Front Of A Customer


A video of the interaction at the Dallas Dillard's was captured and is being widely shared on social media.

In response to the customer’s complaint that the staff used the N-word in front of his family, Dillard’s is taking action against the employee. Though, the customer’s approach is admirable.
In the video, the Dallas customer confronted the now-former employee after claiming that his son overheard him make a racist statement about the family.

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The customer patiently discusses the employee’s mistakes throughout the video and advises him to improve, not only toward Black people but toward everyone. The worker emphasizes his 20 years of service with the company.
Social media users tagged Dillard’s and demanded an apology and sensitivity training after the video spread on Twitter and Instagram. Others questioned how long, during the employee’s 20 years at Dillard’s, his actions went unnoticed.
Some users commended the customer for his patience while pointing out the employee’s mistake.

“I’m without religion. I want to hug this man & tell him how proud I am of his kindness. So flippin’ patient too,” a user wrote; another user said, “Breaks my heart!! Dang, I’m not sure I’d be that calm talking to him.”

Another user wrote, “Wow. That father is awesome. I’m sorry he had to deal with this.”

Although neither Dillard’s nor the customer’s relative who made the video were immediately available for comment, the company’s Twitter account  reports that they had already fired the employee.

Reactions to Dallas Employee Fired By Dillard's After Using Racist Slurs in Front of a Customer

This gentleman handled this with utter grace and incredible class. He treated this White man (ironically named “Homer”), with more dignity than this racist creature deserved. To my Caucasian community—DO BETTER!!!

I am tired of us always having to show grace in the face of racism. Hates unkindness. And be nice to bigots. He should have knocked him out. Just sayin.

Damn, that was an eloquent take down of a racist act.

What do you think?