Amber Rose Accuses Partner Alexander ‘AE’ Edwards Of Cheating


Amber Rose blamed Alexander Edwards for cheating with a dozen of women.

Amber released a statement on her Instagram stories about Alexander whom she had a son with and have been in a relationship for three years, going behind her back with 12 different women.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“I’m tired of getting cheated on and being embarrassed behind the scenes. All 12 of y’all bums (The ones that I know of there’s probably more) can have him,” she wrote.

She also indicated that those people very much knew he was in a relationship with a baby yet at the same time chose to f*ck Alexander anyway as she saw all the texts and DM’s.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“I can’t be the only one fighting for my family anymore,” she continued. “I’ve been so loyal and transparent but I haven’t gotten the same energy in return.”

Amber didn’t name those women involved as she’s not in the business of ruining lives. “The lack of loyalty and the disrespect is ridiculous and I’m done.”

In a separate post, she called out her mom for being a narcissist and added, “I’m tired of being mentally and emotionally abused by people that I love. I’ve been suffering in silence for a long time and I can’t take it anymore. That’s why I’ve been so quiet. I’ve been a shell of who I used to be but I refuse to let anyone damage me anymore. Family or not.”

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Alexander is a rapper and music businessman. The two started dating in 2018, making their debut as a couple at her annual SlutWalk event. He didn’t release any statement yet about Amber’s claim to him.

Reactions to Amber Rose Accuses Partner Alexander 'AE' Edwards of Cheating

Those Amber Rose post’s are so sad, the way men can just crush you in this life man is scary

Amber Rose baby daddy had a whole 12 Disciples worth of side pieces…sheesh

Not Amber Rose blaming hoes for being hoes and she’s one. She did create the slut walk.

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