Biden Undecided on August 31 Evacuation Extension, Taliban threatens ‘consequences’


Biden Undecided on August 31 Evacuation Extension, Taliban threatens ‘consequences’

Indecisive Joe Biden keeps digging the hole deeper over potential delay of evacuation operation in Afghanistan.

Biden said Sunday that the US might have to extend the August 31 deadline for evacuating Americans and Afghans from Afghanistan. “There are discussions going on among us and the military about extending,” Biden said.

“Our hope is we will not have to extend.”

A few advisers to the President and the Pentagon objected to the idea after the Taliban warned that infringement on August 31 would result in “consequences.”

“It’s a red line. President Biden announced that on August 31, they would withdraw all their military forces. So if they extend it, that means they are extending occupation while there is no need for that,” Taliban spokesperson Dr. Suhail Shaheen told Sky News.

“If the US or UK were to seek additional time to continue evacuations — the answer is no. Or there would be consequences,” Shaheen added.

As a response, The Pentagon issued Biden an ultimatum, saying he had until Tuesday to decide whether an evacuation beyond the deadline would take place. The Pentagon’s spokesman, John Kirby, told reporters on Monday: “That is the mission we’ve been assigned by the commander in chief … that’s what we’re trying to execute.”

Congressman Adam Schiff, however, stated on the same day, the evacuation of the Americans and Afghans in the abandoned country by August 31 is “unlikely.”

“I think it’s possible, but I think it’s very unlikely given the number of Americans who still need to be evacuated,” Schiff told reporters on Capitol Hill.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson also thinks the US should extend the evacuation deadline and calls for an emergency summit of the G7.

What will Biden do this time? Can Americans still expect him to come up with a sensible decision, or is this yet another failure innocent people have to endure?

Reactions to Potential Delay of Evacuation Operation in Afghanistan

An absolute disaster all round led by many poor decisions from the International community...

If they don't , the Talibans will be declaring another endless war at their own peril @JoeBiden @VP

Will 🇺🇸 turn off the #KabulAirport lights and run away in the middle of the night and leave thousands behind? I expect worse. What a humiliation. What a disaster. Quote Tweet

Yeah... I can't say I'm surprised.

All because that senile numb nut mentioned that date the other day. They now know they can take the piss. He is a danger full stop.

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