Britney Spears Is Under Investigation?


Ventura County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to USA TODAY that Britney Spears is being investigated after a staff member at her home attested the Pop icon struck her.

Britney Spears is being investigated by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department for an alleged misdemeanor battery incident.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
The victim said that Spears, defied her when she got back to the house and allegedly slapped the servant’s telephone out of the lady’s hands.
The servant at first called deputies to the house, and afterward went to a sheriff’s station to file a report.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Misdemeanor battery in California is a criminal offense that incorporates any purposeful and unlawful actual contact with another person.

The artist’s legal advisor Matthew Rosengart denied the claim in an email, calling it “overblown sensational tabloid fodder — nothing more than a manufactured ‘he said she said’ regarding a cellphone, with no striking and obviously no injury whatsoever.”

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“Anyone can make an accusation, but this should have been closed immediately,” Rosengart added.

Capt. Buschow tells PEOPLE, “Ultimately that investigation will be forwarded to the attorney’s office for review. It’s a minor misdemeanor battery [investigation],” adding that there were no injuries reported.

Spears hired Rosengart last month as she tries to end her dad’s hold over her life and accounts, professing to have been “abused.” Recently, Jamie Spears consented to venture down as her conservator in his “best interests” and intends to “prepare for an orderly transition to a new conservator.”

Reactions to Britney Spears' Being Investigated For Misdemeanor Battery

Britney’s fans find the overall incident fishy. Everyone is waiting for the investigation to be over.

How convenient now that @britneyspears made a breakthrough in getting her life back, her house keeper is accusing her of attacking her. How convenient. There's something fishy going on here. Rotten fishy! #FreeBritney ❤️

I am a #FreeBritney person and I will still be a #FreeBrirney person after this contrived investigation is over. @britneyspears @WaltDisneyWorld @xtina @jtimberlake

A bit coincidental that Britney Spears’ dad agrees to step back & then someone accuses her of abuse the week after. Almost like they’re wanting her to look mentally ill/uncontrollable again…? 🤔 #freebritney #cynical

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