Bill Gates on the Future of Pandemics and Climate


Billionare's Insights

If you ask Bill Gates, next year will be the year when we will see dramatic investments in global pandemic preparedness. Watching his recent interview, one could surmise that the rest of the global agenda on vaccines will follow suit.

The main highlight of the interview was COP 26, which was ongoing in the Scotland, UK when the interview was held.

In his interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, he discussed a range of topics but focused on climate change, technology, innovation, fundraising and the pandemic.

To open the interview, Hunt asked about the optimism of Gates on climate change, to which Gates responded that he learned to ‘orchestrate innovation in the right way’ from his experience.

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Globalist Perspective

Watching the interview is fascinating to see Gates’ insights; but also disingenuous, to say the least.

He talks in a straightforward manner when describing funding ‘green’ technologies, cutting emissions, or lowering global temperatures.

However, when describing how overall policies will impact humans, we are left to conclude as to how this will prevent inflation, help small businesses, or build up communities.

He also talks about ‘market’ and ‘innovation’ to make the ‘sacrifices’ more ‘modest’ for people to use expensive technologies like electric cars and solar-powered homes.

During the first half of the interview, it’s also fascinating to see how the word ‘emissions’ or ‘zero emissions’ is like a magic wand that seem to work. When Bill mentions this, we are led to believe that world leaders got it all figured out.

On Pandemics, Vaccines and Lockdowns

He calls GAVI (Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunization) and Vaccine Fund his ‘proudest achievement’ with the UK. According to Wikipedia page of GAVI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is its second biggest donor after UK.

He shares his disappointment with pandemic preparedness for Covid. He hopes for ‘a new ways of doing vaccines’, while admitting that ‘we didn’t have vaccines that block transmission’, referring to Covid-19 vaccines.

Unfortunately, he also cites New Zealand and Australia as success stories in the pandemic as ‘competent management’. However, we know that New Zealand and Australia’s draconian measures have been one of the most oppressive in the world.

He cites a billion-dollar-a-year-WHO-level ‘pandemic task force’ that will help implement a plan for vaccinations, global health and pandemics.

Also, he wants vaccines to become a ‘patch’ on your skin.

The interview ends with his hope for the new generation to ‘tap into the increased innovation power of the world’. Knowing that he is one of the richest people in the world for three decades, you’d expect he’d be out of touch with the common folk—and he is.

Reactions to Bill Gates' Interview

Bill Gates just admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines don’t work well.

Bill Gates just admitted that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines don’t work well. — Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) November 9, 2021

It’s all starting to make sense now. ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s corporate stock endowment is heavily invested in food & pharmaceutical companies, directly and indirectly’

Wow. Is Bill throwing shade at mRNA here?! Bill Gates admits one of the key failures of the vaccines: they don't stop transmission. Looks like he's ready to move on to the next pandemic and virus!

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