Adding High-Protein Foods in Your Diet Regimen


Protein is essential for your body’s functions. Protein is part of every cell in your body. It is required to build and repair tissue, muscle, nails, hair, and skin. Protein is also helpful in making enzymes and hormones. 


What are foods that have protein?


There are many foods that contain protein. These include dried peas, beans, lentils, edamame, tempeh, seeds, fish, meat, butter, soy milk, milk, cheese, eggs, poultry, and others. You can also find small amounts of protein in fruits, veggies, and grains. By consuming proteins from various sources, you can make sure that you’re getting sufficient nutrients such as calcium, fiber, iron, and vitamin B12.


How much protein do you need?


Adult individuals or those who are 19 years and older require 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. As long as you consume enough calories and eat various protein-containing foods the entire day, healthy adults often don’t need more protein. Certain types of individuals have different protein requirements. Examples of these are pregnant women, athletes, breastfeeding women, older adults, and those who have medical conditions. 


 How to make healthy protein options


Protein must be part of every single meal. Aim for one-fourth of your plate to be protein. Often choose those that are plant-based. Such plant-based protein food sources have less saturated fat and more fiber. This is great for your digestive health and boosts heart health. Make sure that you consume a variety of protein foods to meet all your nutritional requirements. Legumes like lentils, beans, and soy-based goods like tofu are great sources of protein.


Nuts, seeds, and butter contain a high amount of protein and healthy monounsaturated fats. They are great as afternoon snacks and as ingredients in salads, yogurt, and cereal. 


It’s wise to choose lean meat and skinless poultry. For beef, choose the round or sirloin or the extra lean ground beef. You may also remove the skin from chicken or turkey. Avoid using high-fat sauces like gravy, cream, or butter in your meat or poultry. For pork, the best choices are loin chops or pork tenderloin. Be aware of heart-healthy cooking methods such as grilling, baking, broiling, barbequing, and roasting. 


 How much protein do vegetarians need?


Most people think that it can be hard for vegans and vegetarians to acquire enough protein. Vegetarian protein sources are many. These include dried peas, beans, lentils, tempeh, tofu, seeds, and nuts. Other sources include eggs, yogurt, low-fat cheese, and milk. Even grains and vegetables have small amounts of protein too. Vegetarian diets have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. 


Research about protein and health


Based on research and scientific evidence, it’s the source of protein instead of the amount that has an impact on people’s health. Evidence has shown that consuming healthy sources of protein such as beans, nuts, poultry, and fish, takes the place of red meat and processed meat, and can lower the risk of several illnesses and premature death.


What you should know about protein and exercise


Right after you exercise, it’s highly recommended that you consume food sources of high-quality protein along with a carbohydrate-loaded meal to maintain the protein balance of your body. Studies revealed that this is beneficial to people, especially to older adults even after low to moderate aerobic exercise. 


Individuals who exercise rigorously or those who are trying to create muscle mass don’t have to consume more protein. High protein content doesn’t necessarily lead to more muscle mass. What creates muscles is the stimulation of muscle tissue by exercise. Studies also showed that fitness trainers who don’t eat extra protein gain muscle mass at the same rate as those who take protein supplements. 


High-protein foods


Protein is found in many foods that you are already consuming. You can find protein in both animal and plant sources. Some of its best sources can be found here:




We love to cook using eggs, but we don’t exactly know how much protein it has. One medium egg comes with 6 grams of protein and it is easy to digest. A healthy omelet can jumpstart your day. It also makes for a good recovery snack. 




Yogurt is a protein-rich food because it is made of whey protein and casein. Some of the lactose is removed in yogurt, making it a great food for those who are lactose intolerant. However, it’s wiser if you check with your healthcare professional if you have any medical concerns.


Lean beef


About 23 grams of protein can be found in 93 percent of lean ground beef. Eating beef as part of your diet gives you a high amount of protein along with essential nutrients like iron and zinc. Zinc helps boost immunity while iron delivers oxygen to the entire body. 




A cup of pasta will give you 8 grams of protein. Pasta is often known as a source of carbohydrates, but a 2-oz serving of semolina pasta provides the same amount of protein as that of a large egg. You can add meat sauce for more protein in every bite. You may opt to go with plant-based protein pairings with your pasta. 


Fish and seafood


Fish and seafood are great sources of protein and they are low in fat. Salmon may have a higher percentage of fat, but it is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy for the heart. This can lessen inflammation and stiffness. 




A 3-oz serving of salmon contains 19 grams of protein. Salmon is known for having healthy fats that boost heart health. But most people don’t know that it also contains a good amount of protein. Eating fish at least two times every week will allow you to experience variety in your weekly protein-rich diet plan. 




Consuming soya protein foods like fortified tofu and soya-based drinks as a post-recovery meal is good for those who are dairy intolerant. These foods may also lower the body’s cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.  


These are only a few of the high-protein foods you can consume for health.