Court Grants De Santis, Parents’ Appeal to Mandate Masks Denied


Governor Ron DeSantis wins in reinstating Florida’s mask mandate ban, promoting that students should not be compelled to wear masks inside classrooms.

A unanimous vote ruled in favor of DeSantis against Florida parents who sought to repeal the ban on mask mandates. The trial was presided by the First District Court of Appeals (DCA), comprised of Harvey Jay, Stephanie Ray, and A.S. Tanenbaum.

In response to DeSantis’ win, the three-judge panel issued an order Friday stating that the appellate court presumes an “automatic stay” and the appeal remains pending until the “most compelling” reasons are found.

“Upon our review of the trial court’s final judgment and the operative pleadings, we have serious doubts about standing, jurisdiction, and other threshold matters. These doubts significantly militate against the likelihood of the appellees’ ultimate success in this appeal. Given the presumption against vacating the automatic stay, the stay should have been left in place pending appellate review,” said the court.

Upon receiving the news, DeSantis then announced his victory on Twitter and vowed to defend parents’ rights further in deciding what is best for their children.

“No surprise here – the 1st DCA has restored the right of parents to make the best decisions for their children. I will continue to fight for parents’ rights,” the Governor said.

The appellants, however, remain firm about their position and insist that the mask mandate ban implemented in the state is unconstitutional.

According to their lawyers, DeSantis’ advocacy in banning mask mandates may thwart what every Florida student deserves: a safe, secure environment for learning.

Students in Florida have a fundamental right to education. School boards have constitutional authority and obligation to provide for safe and effective environments. The enforcement of the order directed by the Governor invades the Constitutional authority of school boards and encroaches on the fundamental rights of students.”

Reactions to Court Granting De Santis' in Reinstating Mask Mandate Ban

The court’s ruling received positive comments on Twitter, praising the Governor’s dedication to defending the rights of the people.

Always fighting for the people Mr DeSantis!!, the Best people’s Governor god bless u🇺🇸🔴🙏🏻👏🏼😃

Thank God for #desantis

Good deal!

Love this man 🇺🇸💪

This user has something interesting to say:

Do they not realize that you’re not telling them they CAN’T wear masks?