Cameron Diaz Shared Why She Stepped Back From Acting


“I feel whole,” says Cameron Diaz.

The entertainer uncovered during her appearance in “Hart to Heart” new television show by Kevin Hart that her movie profession was keeping her from overseeing different pieces of her life.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Hart got some information about what roused her to stop. Diaz answered, “When you do something at a really high level for a long period of time, when you’re the person that is delivering one thing, you’re the person on the screen, all parts of you that isn’t that has to sort of be handed off to other people.”

Diaz is known for films including There’s Something About Mary, Charlie’s Angels and The Holiday.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

She went on saying, “different parts of my life, my home, every aspect, from finance, just the management of me as a human being, not me as Cameron Diaz, because Cameron Diaz is a machine — but for my personal, spiritual self, I was realizing that it’s kind of like that one part of me that was functioning at a high level wasn’t enough.”

“I just looked around and there were so many parts of my life that I wasn’t touching and that I wasn’t managing, and I couldn’t really manage, because everything was so massive.”

“I just really wanted to make my life manageable by me,” Cameron said. “My routine in a day is literally what I can manage to do by myself. It’s the best feeling. I feel whole,” she added.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
In March of this current year, Diaz disclosed to Yahoo Finance Presents that she had effectively given “100%” to her acting profession, so it’s simply an alternate time in her life now.
Diaz also opened up about her family life. She is married to Good Charlotte star Benji Madden, with whom she welcomed daughter Raddix in 2019.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“I met my husband, we started a family, all the things I didn’t have time for before, and not just the time for but didn’t have the space to make the decisions, the right decision for me at the time.”

Cameron Diaz’s last film was the 2014 adaptation of Annie.

Reactions to Cameron Diaz Stepped Back From Acting

After Cameron revealed the reason why she stepped back from acting, a fan here tweeted that she misses the actress.

I miss Cameron Diaz

Another twitter user also tweeted that she loved Cameron’s interview along with other artists.

#DonCheadle #CameronDiaz #TarajiPHenson I loved their interviews with Kevin Hart. I learned things I didn't know about them . 😃

Looks like someone is sulky hearing that Cameron Diaz retired and just knew the other updates of her life.

Who knew that Cameron Diaz retired from acting in 2009, married Benji Madden from Good Charlotte, and that they had a baby in 2019, and didn't tell me?

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