Sad News For Everyone As Tony Bennett Will Officially Retire From Live Music

One of the legendary singers Tony Bennett is now retiring from performing live as his son, Danny Bennett, informed Variety regarding it.

Tony is as of now 95 years of age and has been battling Alzheimer’s Disease since 2016. His son told Variety that it was a hard decision for them to make, as he is a capable performer.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

“This is, however, doctors’ orders. His continued health is the most important part of this, and when we heard the doctors,” when Tony’s wife, Susan heard them, she said, “Absolutely not. He’ll be doing other things, but not those upcoming shows.”

Danny is also his father’s manager for than 40 years. He explained that he problem for Tony is not the singing aspect of live performances, but the travel, as his son adds, “Look, he gets tired. The decision is being made that doing concerts now is just too much for him. We don’t want him to fall on stage, for instance. Something as simple as that.”

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
He just had his new sold out shows with Lady Gaga. It’s a two-night occasion at Radio City Music Hall in New York, which was named “One Last Time.” It was also the first time the singer performed in public since his family revealed his diagnosis in February.
Tony is still able to sing, his son says, but the family was worried about the physical toll of traveling on a grueling concert tour.

Reactions to Tony Bennett's Retirement

Tony Bennett had a good run. This is a sad news to those fans who weren’t able to see him perform live yet.

tony bennett retires from performing live 💔

Tony Bennett retires from touring at the age of 95. Huge respect to the King of the crooners.

Tony Bennett retires from performing on ‘doctor’s orders,’ cancels upcoming concerts God Bless you and thank you for all the memories you have given to all of us and be so missed to no longer see in person? Ga Ga was super with you and have that music for ever. Take care,LUV YA

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