Falling In Love: Couple’s Meet-up Immediately Defines It Truly, Video Gone Viral


A video went viral on Twitter after it properly defined the idea of “falling in love,” and netizens can’t stop watching it.

Falling in love is defined as having a strong, passionate relationship with someone. Seeing people share the same meaning with each other is one of the loveliest to see, yet this couple defines it differently.
The video was published on the Twitter website, showing a girl getting out of a car and racing toward an airport platform with excitement. The boy was also there to welcome the girl; however…

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As the boy readied himself and extended his arms, unexpectedly, he slipped on his legs and failed to welcome the girl. On the other hand, the girl landed with her body facing the floor.

However, the guy stands up and, with the assistance of another person, lifts the girl into his arms. Well, the girl ‘fell in love,’ as the caption “Falling in Love” clearly states.

The video posted on Twitter has garnered 1.5 million views and 37.5k likes. The users of the mentioned platform flopped to the reply section to share their comments.

A user said, “In equal proportions,” adding a thumbs up and smiling emoji. Another user wrote, “Literally.”

One user was concerned regarding the face feature of the girl. She wrote, “OMG, she might have Facial fractures!!!” Another user said, “Painful love.”

Reactions to Falling In Love: Couple's Meet-up Immediately Defines It Truly, Video Gone Viral

Trust him but don't necessarily trust his physics😂😂

How i fell for my girl

Only way to go is down when falling.